Orange County NC Website
ORD-2012-042 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: October 2, 2012 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 5-h <br /> SUBJECT: Return of Funds to the County's Emergency Telephone Fund (911) for Funds <br /> Transferred to Establish an Emergency Services Capital Reserve within the <br /> General Fund and Approval of Budget Amendment#2-A <br /> DEPARTMENT: Manager's Office and Financial PUBLIC HEARING: (YIN) No <br /> and Administrative Services <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> January 21, 2010 Board Meeting Frank Clifton, 919-245-2300 <br /> Abstract Clarence Grier, 919-245-2453 <br /> Session Law 2007-3831NC House Bill <br /> 1755 <br /> PURPOSE: To 1) receive information on a request from the NC 911 Board for Orange County <br /> to return funds to the County's Emergency Telephone Fund (911) for funds transferred to <br /> establish an Emergency Services Capital Reserve within the General Fund; 2) authorize staff to <br /> make the appropriate transfer to the 911 Fund to resolve the matter with the NC 911 Board;-and <br /> 3) approve Budget Amendment#2-A to the fiscal year 2012—2013 budget. <br /> BACKGROUND: In November 2009, the Board of County Commissioners approved setting <br /> aside $1.2 million of 911 funds to establish an Emergency Services Reserve Capital Project to <br /> purchase equipment, vehicles and capital maintenance for Emergency Services. In FY 2010, <br /> $1.2 million was transferred from the 911 Fund to the General Fund. The funds from the <br /> transfer were used to purchase three ambulances. Based on information provided by the NC <br /> 911 Board, County staff incorrectly interpreted the transfer of all funds as an eligible <br /> expenditures based on NC House Bill 1755. NC House Bill 1755 stipulated that only landline <br /> fees could be transferred to the General Fund and used for any purpose. The total balance of <br /> landline fees available for transfer was $295,633. <br /> In a recent meeting with the NC 911 Board, County staff was informed that a majority of the <br /> funds transferred from the 911 Fund were ineligible, and only $295,633 of 911 funds were <br /> eligible for use for the establishment of the Reserve. The 911 Board has requested that Orange <br /> County return the funds to the County's 911 Fund. The original amount transferred from the 911 <br /> Fund was $1,200,000. The total amount agreed upon by the NC 911 Board and County staff to <br /> return to the fund is $904,367. These funds will be transferred back to the 911 Fund from the <br /> General Fund's fund balance. Funds are available for this purpose. <br />