Minutes - 20060605
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20060605
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Commissioner Gordon said that this is confusing and Chair Jacobs said that <br />OCS is giving the County about $30,000 per position and the County is supplementing <br />half. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the two new positions and if there would be <br />any offsetting revenues from OCS and the Sheriff said that he did not know if OCS <br />would be contributing far these two positions. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that his purpose in asking this was to have the OCS <br />acknowledge that the Sheriff is providing a service that is coming through County <br />government. <br />Commissioner Carey asked if the County was getting any money and the Sheriff <br />said that the school systems get a ratio of funding for programs in the Safe Schools <br />program. They will be presumably be getting more money for opening the new middle <br />school but the funding will be coming out of the Sheriff's budget. <br />Chair Jacobs asked if the Partnership Academy needs its own officer and the <br />Sheriff said yes because these are kids that have been suspended from Schaal because <br />of criminal behavior. <br />Category 6 is New Positions to Improve Service Delivery. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about the figures of haw much the County is supplying to the <br />State in fees for inspections. Health Director Rosemary Summers said that each <br />restaurant pays a $50 inspection fee each year to the State. Orange County gets about <br />half of that back. There are about 300 restaurants, which is about $15,000 and Orange <br />County gets $7,500 back. If they reach 100% compliance in the on-time inspection rate, <br />it would go up to about $10,000. <br />Commissioner Carey asked about this Foad Inspections position and Rosemary <br />Summers said that in this County our restaurants turn over frequently, so that requires a <br />higher level of attention from Environmental Health Specialists. The total number of <br />inspections is increasing, but beyond that they have not been able to maintain 100°l0 <br />compliance rate. They would like to achieve this. They believe that one inspector would <br />get them up to 100% compliance. They also need a supervisor because they are <br />lacking in quality assurance. <br />Regarding EMS, Chair Jacobs asked about the status of the study that was <br />promised in April. EMS Director Jack Ball said that he spoke with the Sage Company <br />last week and they had some problems meeting with one of the rescue squads. They <br />hope to get a preliminary report this week to the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked Donna Dean-Coffey about paramedics and how <br />much overtime and temporary funds have been given to EMS and Jack Ball said about <br />$400-500,000. Donna Dean-Coffey said that it was closer to $500,000. <br />Jack Ball said that this request is part of a long-term request for the whole <br />division (paramedics, fire marshal, and transport) and they believe that it will be in line <br />with the study. He said that the demand for service is outreaching their capability at this <br />time. He said that North Carolina is rated 9th in the nation for population increase, and <br />Orange County is 23~d out of 100 counties. In the region, only Wake County and <br />Chatham have a higher increase in population than Orange County. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked Donna Dean-Coffey what was generated last year <br />for fire inspections and Fire Marshal Mike Tapp said $13,000. Commissioner Halkiotis <br />asked about the biggest facility that they inspect and Mike Tapp said the mill in Mebane <br />and he estimated that this would be $75-80. Donna Dean-Coffey said that the schools <br />are the biggest user and they do not pay any fees. <br />Commissioner Carey asked about the Assistant Fire Marshal position and the <br />offsetting revenue of $7,000. He asked about the workload for inspections that indicates <br />the need for an Assistant Fire Marshal. <br />
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