Orange County NC Website
10 <br />supply or transportation. She thought that the goal was to hook all of these things up to building <br />permits sa that it could be controlled. She thinks that this Board of County Commissioners is <br />the most progressive board in North Carolina. She requested that the County Commissioners <br />appoint a committee to go through all of the administrative costs and see what can be combined <br />and reduced. She said that she uses all of the libraries in the County, but each one has a <br />separate administration. <br />Sonda Oppewal is a registered nurse and she spoke in support of the Orange County <br />Public Health Reserve Corps and the coordinator pasition. She has been a volunteer since the <br />organization started. She said that funds from the federal grant will end in a few months and <br />she has concerns about how well the Caunty can respond in a time of disaster. There are <br />currently about 200 volunteers. She said that preparedness could often mean the difference <br />between life and death. <br />Jamie Daniel is a candidate far County Commissioner in November. He thanked the <br />Manager and the staff for a good budget. He has three kids in OCS and he would like to see as <br />much education as they can afford. He said that he is concerned as a father and as a citizen in <br />Orange County. He has seen some school board members advocating for raising the property <br />taxes. He said that Orange County voted not to have a district tax so he encouraged the Board <br />to draft a letter to each member of the Boards of Education and ask them if they want the <br />County Commissioners to raise property taxes by `x' cents to fully fund the budget and ask for a <br />roll call vote. <br />Arek Kempinski read a prepared statement from him and his wife. "Good evening. My <br />name is Arek Kempinski and I am here tonight to read a statement that represents the thoughts <br />of bath my wife, Michelle Kempinski and myself. She would be here tonight but is currently at a <br />Planning Board meeting of the Comprehensive Plan Subcommittee. <br />Thank you far this opportunity to speak to you tonight about an issue that currently <br />represents the crossroads of 2 of the County's critical and equally finite resources....the budget <br />and our water supply. <br />We appreciate the fact, that in the coming weeks and months, you will need to critically <br />evaluate and prioritize the many potentially competing requests to fund additional staff positions <br />and projects. You will receive more funding requests than the County has the budget to allow. <br />With that, we'll get to the paint. We understand that the Commission for the <br />Environment and the Environment and Resource Conservation Department are requesting that <br />the BOCC fund a water resources staff position. It is intended that this staff person would have <br />the technical expertise and the responsibility to develop, implement, and evaluate the County's <br />sustainable water resources programs and policies. <br />We would simply like to show our support for this request to fund a technical staff <br />position within the Environment and Resource Conservation Department. We feel that since the <br />ERCD has been charged with the responsibility to "oversee, implement, and coordinate County <br />goals for environmental protection and conservation" that the ERCD is the appropriate place for <br />this staff pasition. <br />A qualified hydro-geologist is needed to effectively advise, implement, and coordinate <br />the environmental programs and policies supporting the County's current goals of sustainable <br />growth and development and water resources preservation. <br />We understand that this staffing request comes as a follow-up to the recommendations <br />contained in the 2001 Report of the Water Resources Initiative, and the 2002 and 2004 <br />Commission for the Environment -State of the Environment Reports. We would encourage the <br />County to take the next steps toward implementing the water protection and preservation <br />recommendations contained in these reports. <br />There is a direct connection between the Caunty land development patterns and the <br />sustainability of our water resources. Groundwater and surface water are critical and finite <br />environmental resources in this county, and their sustainability is an issue that potentially affects <br />