Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> b. The document has been submitted to the CRS for processing as required. <br /> 2. The BOCC inform the general public that the recertification report, as well as other <br /> valuable floodplain management and hazard mitigation planning documents, are <br /> available for review on the Orange County website at: <br /> a. CRS Annual Recertification submittal: <br /> http://www.oranqecountvnc.qov/planninq/floodplain information.asp <br /> b. Flood regulations contained within the adopted Unified Development <br /> Ordinance: http://www.oranqecountvnc.qov/planninq/Ordinances.asp. <br /> c. Floodplain Management and Hazard Mitigation Plan: <br /> http://www.oranqeoranqenc.qov/planninq/hazardmitiqation.asp. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: Planning staff has determined that continued floodplain management <br /> efforts, including participation within the CRS program, will not create additional workload <br /> demands for staff or require the allocation of additional funds for the Department. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board receive this information, <br /> acknowledge the recertification package has been submitted to CRS for processing, and inform <br /> the general public the recertification package as well as other pertinent floodplain mitigation <br /> documents are available for review. <br />