Orange County NC Website
Chair Jacobs said that this group has met three times and meets monthly. It was <br />charged by the Chancellor with meeting for approximately one year. After the last <br />meeting, the Orange County representatives realized that this group did not count <br />Orange County's views. They thought that it would be good to bring forth what Orange <br />County would like to see in addition to and augmenting what others have already <br />articulated. The minutes from the three meetings are in the packet. The County <br />Commissioners have not had the opportunity to look at this in-depth yet. <br />Commissioner Foushee agreed with Chair Jacobs and said that after listening to <br />this group, it was clear that there needed to be an opinion from Orange County. <br />The next meeting is June 15t <br />Commissioner Carey asked who the recommendations would go to and what <br />would be done with the recommendations. Commissioner Foushee said that they do not <br />knave if recommendations will come from this group and they have agreed that this is a <br />dialogue among the groups. <br />Chair Jacobs said that at the first meeting, the Chancellor said that he had not <br />really thought about what would happen after the group meetings. He read today that <br />the UNC Trustees are feeling frustrated with this process. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she heard part of one of the meetings and they <br />seemed to highlight that the main issues were transportation, fiscal equity, and the <br />environment. She said that land use and transportation are huge topics. She read from <br />page 4 under Transportation and Land Use, "All modes of public transportation should <br />be implemented including use of the rail line." She suggested adding "as appropriate" to <br />the end of that sentence. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that all of these responses are good. He said that <br />ultimately the Chancellor and the Board of Directors would have the final say. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the Fiscal Equity and suggested some word <br />changes. The second sentence, "with 6 million square feet," he suggested "with the <br />proposed," because this is uncertain. Also, "the local school impacts of the specific <br />area, again depending if housing type has a strong family orientation, could generate <br />over 700 students, which is greater than the size of one elementary school, particularly if <br />the First School is counted." He said that the First School will not accommodate <br />anything close to 700 students and they are talking about putting it on Carolina North <br />property. He is also told that the projection is 7,500 new employees and not 6,000. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he agreed with the amendments and he asked if <br />the fiscal equity part includes ensuring that the private businesses that may occupy <br />buildings in Carolina North would pay taxes and Chair Jacobs said yes. Craig Benedict <br />said that page 6, attachment 2 addresses this. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Halkiotis to approve in concept the Draft Principles on pages 3 and 4, and to forward it to <br />the UNC Leadership Advisory Committee 2006. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />With na further items to address, a motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, <br />seconded by Commissioner Carey to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Barry Jacobs, Chair <br />Donna S. Baker <br />Clerk to the Board <br />