Orange County NC Website
Ag Center Work Group <br />Recommendation 3 <br />Immediate-term Feasibility Studies <br />- Value-added, shared-use processing facility for local farm products far local <br />markets <br />- Farm business incubator <br />Ag Center Work Group <br />County Commitment to Agriculture <br />Given the unsuccessful effort of the late 1980's and 1990's related to an ag center in <br />Orange County, it is critically important for the BOCC to accelerate the implementation of <br />these recommendations. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he very much appreciates the work and the vision of this <br />group. He said that what struck him in talking about the changes in agriculture in <br />Orange County is that there is no recognition in how much these County Commissioners <br />have tried to do for agriculture. He said that the report does not mention that Orange <br />County has perhaps the only Ag Economic Development Specialist, that it has had eight <br />Ag Summits to try and bring information and ideas to farmers in Orange County, that <br />they have tried to strengthen and rename the Ag Preservation Board, and that it secured <br />money and gave land and are trying to design a farmer's market in Hillsborough. There <br />are other things that they have been working on to expand the definition of ag services <br />sa that farmers can da mare on their property related to agriculture with minimized red <br />tape. They have also talked to other counties about working together on a value added <br />center and have made applications far money for a value added center. He said that he <br />would hope that, as they go forward with this report, that there is some recognition that <br />these County Commissioners have worked on these issues. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis thanked Betty Tom Davidson and all of the non- <br />traditional agriculturists. He said that this is a good report and he agrees with Chair <br />Jacobs that it needs to include the Board of County Commissioners' support far <br />agriculture. He suggested looking at the old document from 18 years ago that is in the <br />packet and looking at piggy backing with a fire and rescue training center, or firing range <br />for law enforcement. He is fully supportive of the report. <br />Chair Jacobs said that they did ask legislators far money for the feasibility study <br />and for the value added center in this fiscal year. They have not heard anything yet. <br />Tony Kleese acknowledged the Board of County Commissioners' support but he <br />said that the approach needs to be very coordinated and synchronized and needs to <br />come from some long-term goals. He said that the change is that the farmers and the <br />consumers are ready to come to the table together. <br />2. Carolina North .(Horace Williams property) Leadership Advisory Committee <br />This item is to provide an update on the UNC at Carolina North (Horace Williams <br />property} development project and collectively provide County comments to the <br />Leadership Advisory Committee about County interest and topic areas. <br />