Minutes 06-14-2012
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 06-14-2012
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Last modified
11/24/2015 11:01:21 AM
Creation date
9/27/2012 8:08:08 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 06-14-2012 - Agenda
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Commissioner Gordon said that she wants the County to develop its own FAQ and Craig <br /> Benedict said that he would work with Triangle Transit on this. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that Triangle Transit's FAQ may be different from Orange <br /> County's and they need county staff to do a FAQ for Orange County, to be put on the county <br /> website along with other information. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Gordon that this is complex enough <br /> that they need staff to put this in Orange County verbiage for Orange County residents and to <br /> ask Triangle Transit what they are planning to do for public education in Orange County. <br /> 2. Sitinq Criteria for Southwest Branch Library— Review of Comments <br /> Library Services Director Lucinda Munger made reference to Attachment B. She said <br /> that on the left side is the original criteria from last fall. There are also comments from the <br /> Carrboro Board of Aldermen and a staff analysis. Everyone pretty much agreed on the criteria <br /> about 85%. There were some suggestions from the Aldermen and these were added into the <br /> staff comments. This is Phase 3, #2. It is suggested that lease versus purchase be moved to <br /> Phase 1 and then in Phase 3, #1, "alignment with Comprehensive Plan," it is being suggested <br /> to move that to Phase 1 and change the wording to read, "public or private entities." <br /> She made reference to the areas of difference and said that these are listed. The first <br /> one is the element of visibility that has been eliminated from the criteria. Staff still thinks that <br /> this is an important element and should be in the beginning of the process. The building <br /> should be visible. There was also discussion of price being the overarching or primary <br /> concern. Staff recommends that the Board leave the price where it is because there are other <br /> considerations for a piece of property, such as how much it will take to actually develop the <br /> site. Regarding determination of space needs, staff recommends no change from the original <br /> because this is driven by code and ordinances. Regarding public transportation, the Aldermen <br /> would like the library to be on an existing Chapel Hill Transit route that serves the downtown <br /> area. Staff recommends no change from the original because bus routes are constantly <br /> changing. Finally, in Phase 3 and Community Preference, the Aldermen suggest that this be <br /> moved to Phase 2. Staff recommends that this remain in Phase 3 because Phases 1 and 2 <br /> are meant to be very quick technical analyses of a site. <br /> Chair Pelissier asked about the timeline for decision on this. <br /> Frank Clifton said that staff will bring back information to the Board of County <br /> Commissioners in September after the staff sits down with the staff from Carrboro to go over <br /> the results of this meeting. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger agreed that the building needs to stay visible. <br /> Commissioner McKee agreed. <br /> Lucinda Munger said that she was wrong about the alignment with Comprehensive <br /> Planning tools. This was Phase 3, item 1-b. The Aldermen suggested no change, but the <br /> staff is recommending that it be moved to Phase 1. <br /> Chair Pelissier clarified that Lucinda Munger is recommending moving two items to <br /> Phase 1 — Comprehensive Plan planning tools and lease versus purchase. The majority of the <br /> Board of County Commissioners agreed with these two things. <br /> On Phase 3, regarding partnerships, Carrboro suggested leaving the co-location open <br /> to public/private and staff suggested rewording to say, "co-location with other public or private <br /> entities." The Board agreed with this. <br /> The County Commissioners agreed to keep the language about having the building <br /> visible from the street. <br />
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