Minutes 06-07-2012
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 06-07-2012
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Last modified
11/24/2015 11:00:10 AM
Creation date
9/27/2012 8:05:58 AM
Meeting Type
Budget Sessions
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Agenda - 06-07-2012 - Agenda
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Paul Laughton said that this is an opportunity to make the changes to the CIP. These <br /> changes would be brought back to the June 12th Work Session, which will have the Resolution <br /> of Intent to Adopt. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to the memo from her at the County <br /> Commissioners' places. She said that she got this information from the SAPFO report. She <br /> made reference to the elementary school section for Orange County Schools and said that an <br /> elementary school is not programmed until 2020-21. She said that the SAPFO should be <br /> followed and Elementary School #8 does not need to be built right away. She thinks that OCS <br /> should not worry about the County keeping its commitments. She said that a high school <br /> would also not be needed when it is shown in the CIP because the SAPFO does not dictate it <br /> for OCS. She stated that the County should follow SAPFO, and therefore the <br /> recommendations should come from the SAPFO Technical Advisory Committee and should go <br /> through the SAPFO process. <br /> Paul Laughton said that page 69 is what is included in the Manager's Recommended <br /> CIP for the next five years. Page 70 shows everything else that the school systems have <br /> requested that were not part of the recommended CIP. This is where Elementary School #8 <br /> falls under for OCS. The classroom addition is for year 2015-16 for Cedar Ridge High School. <br /> The auxiliary gym is consistent with 2014-15. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that it is the school's request, but not necessarily the County's <br /> agreement to fund anything in any year except the year that the County is approving, which is <br /> the next fiscal year. OCS is saying that there is a faster growth, but the County <br /> Commissioners are not making any commitment to funding a school until the SAPFO dictates <br /> it. Clarence Grier verified this. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that it might be simple to make some word changes, like on <br /> page 70, where it specifies that these projects are "unfunded." Also, at the bottom, there could <br /> be a note that says, "school construction scheduling is guided by SAPFO projections of <br /> capacity needs." Also, the $13.86 million for the Cedar Ridge High School Classroom Wing is <br /> within the five years, but it could have an asterisk to say, "to be reviewed under SAPFO in light <br /> of DPI analysis of Cedar Ridge capacity." <br /> Commissioner Foushee said that the CIP request from OCS had unfunded requests in <br /> the budget and the County put it in its unfunded requests. She said that it does not create an <br /> assumption if it is in the unfunded requests. It is just a placeholder. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the report on the Northern Human Services <br /> Center and said that it is good. However, he made reference to the first memo to the <br /> Manager, which says that there were mixed opinions about whether to try and retain the <br /> cafeteria, and gymnasium in the the facility. Then in the survey results, by far the highest, <br /> most intensive response was "keep cafeteria and gym" and "retrofit and improve." This seems <br /> different from "mixed feelings." <br /> Commissioner Foushee said that people responded how they previously felt with the <br /> survey, but after the discussion, they felt differently after they saw the possibilities of what they <br /> could have. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger made reference to a discussion at the Rogers Road Task <br /> Force for a capital project. The community would like to remove a historic home, the Hogan <br /> House, to the Habitat site. A complication is that the church is getting ready to start its project, <br /> and would demolish this house if it was not moved. She is not advocating for the County <br /> paying for all of this. The total price for fixing this is around $800,000, but to move the house <br /> would cost approximately $120,000. There will be more information at the next meeting. She <br /> asked if the Board wanted to consider a placeholder. There are very strong feelings in the <br /> community about keeping this building. <br />
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