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Commissioner Gordon thanked the task farce members far all of their work. She said <br />they need to go far option 2 to have mare input from the citizens. She said that June 27t" is very <br />optimistic to adopt this plan. <br />Bryan Dobyns said that the southeastern portion of the planning area is heavily impacted <br />by the Seven Mile Creek Critical Watershed line. He said that there has been some talk of re- <br />designating that if there is not going to be a reservoir. In addition, he said that in the land use <br />element, the critical area lines, the zoning, and project area lines da not correspond. He would <br />like to put some attention in addressing those inconsistencies. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />There was no public comment. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, second by Commissioner Faushee to <br />close the public hearing. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if this hearing could be held open for written comments <br />and Craig Benedict said yes. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Foushee <br />to refer the Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan to the Planning Board for consideration no saonei <br />than June 7, 2006. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Craig Benedict said that on June 27t" the Board could determine which track to fallow <br />far the adoption time frame. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis endorsed Commissioner Cordon's comments to take a mare <br />gradual amount of time and go with option 2. <br />Chair Jacobs said that this will come to the June 27`" meeting but not advance to the <br />public hearing in August. <br />D. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS <br />C)ran~e County Comprehensive Plan Update Process The Board of County <br />Commissioners (BOCC} has restarted the Land Use Element Update process except for the <br />Commissioner approved principles and the assignment of other elements to specific <br />departments and boards. Otherwise, the BOCC has placed the Planning Board in <br />charge of developing a new process far BOCC consideration. The BOCC has also asked the <br />Planning Board for their suggestions an an approach/process for updating the overall <br />Comprehensive Plan. A brief update on the progress of the Planning Board will be provided. <br />The Planning Board has set up a work group of the Planning Board that consists of six <br />members as well as staff. They have met twice and they are developing a process for the <br />Planning Board and then the Board of County Commissioners to review. He said that they sent <br />a letter to the Chair regarding clarification of the charge. The Chair's response was presented <br />to the Planning Board tonight. The next meeting is June 15t at 6:30 p.m. <br />Tom Alteiri, Planning staff, made a PowerPoint presentation. <br />He said that, up until recently, they have been working to address several different items <br />as part of the Land Use Element Update process. The more significant items are the Efland- <br />Mebane Small Area Plan, Agricultural Support Enterprises, and NC 57/Speedway Area. With <br />the new direction of the comprehensive plan, it may be some time before they are able to <br />implement these projects if they are part of the land use element update. He said that staff <br />