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<br />Chair Jacobs asked if the Manager had a response to Commissioner Halkiotis' <br />questions about the solid waste issue and John Link said that he would be happy to respond to <br />individual situations. He was not aware of the particular incident that Commissioner Halkiotis <br />mentioned. He said that he would try and get both sides of the story. He wants to make sure <br />that citizens are not offended, but are educated on what can and cannot be recycled. They will <br />try and bring back the scavenging policy. He remembers that the Board was not unanimous last <br />time on what should be done. <br />Chair Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Halkiotis that there is a pattern of a "can't do" <br />attitude and he wants this to change. He hopes that before he is asked to approve any new <br />positions for Solid Waste that this will change. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to Mill Creek and said that he has made a note to see if <br />the Health Director will come to the mid-June meeting to make a report. He said that there may <br />need to be a policy if there are other neighborhoods with concerns about water quality. He <br />would like to put this on an agenda to discuss having a policy on addressing future <br />neighborhood concerns. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the flea market and said that they did invite Alderman <br />Herrera to the EDC meeting last week to talk about alternative arrangements for a flea market <br />that might serve a Latino community as well as others. The Economic Development Director <br />had been given the direction earlier when they first realized that staff was going to look at the <br />flea market. Mr. Herrera is going to do some investigating as well to get a sense of who is <br />actually doing business and how many people are from this area. Mr. Herrera also expressed <br />that the flea market was a business incubator for some people. <br />Chair Jacobs said that there was a meeting today of the planning group for the Central <br />Orange Senior Center and they gave direction to have a preliminary report back to the Board <br />before the summer break. They are almost at the point of getting some preliminary costs. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the email from the Clerk regarding a meeting that was <br />set up with Congressman David Price on May 30t". He asked for comments from the County <br />Commissioners that should be brought to Congressman Price regarding federal policy, etc. <br />Chair Jacobs expressed good wishes to Florence Saltys who is ill with pneumonia. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the OCS predicament, and he said that he <br />remembered the predicament that the Governor put the County in when he took the County's <br />money in fiscal year 2002-2003 because there was a budget shortfall. He said that Orange <br />County lost $3.1 million in intangible and inventory taxes, and they had to enact the'/ cent <br />sales tax to recover. The actual total loss was $2 million. The latest predicament that the State <br />has put them in is reducing class size without giving the money for school construction and the <br />8°~ pay raise for State-funded teachers, and it will cost Orange County taxpayers $3.6 million to <br />make up for the 8% raise for local teacher positions in this year's budget. This is 3 cents in new <br />property tax that the Governor is mandating. Chair Jacobs suggested writing a letter to the <br />Governor, with a copy to the legislators, that Orange County would like its $2 million so that it <br />can be put toward the latest unfunded mandate. The Board agreed. <br />Commissioner Carey suggested also sending it to the NCACC so that it can be shared <br />with other counties. <br />4. County Manager's Report <br />John Link asked Health Director Rosemary Summers to come forward with Public Health <br />Educator Donna King to site the award that Donna King received. Rosemary Summers said <br />that Donna King, Director of the Health Promotion Education Division, recently received the <br />Arnold Kalunzy Distinguished Alumni Award. Dr. Kaluzni was the first director of the Public <br />Health Leadership Program at the School of Public Health. Donna King is a graduate of this <br />program and is a leader in public health. She said that Donna King was invaluable in the SARS <br />