Orange County NC Website
16 <br /> Stage 5-Legislative Goals Conference(Jan.24-25) <br /> The final stage of the Association's Legislative Goals process is the Legislative Goals <br /> Conference, to which all Association members are invited. Historically, more than 85 <br /> counties are represented, exemplifying an outstanding degree of interest and participation. <br /> The conference is spread over a day and a half, assuring time for thorough discussion, <br /> deliberation and debate. In recognition of the need to involve newly elected commissioners <br /> in the process, the Board appoints a Screening Committee to receive any new proposals <br /> that have not been through the development process by this stage. This process is <br /> discussed in greater detail below. <br /> The goals conference is conducted according to rules designed to encourage participation, <br /> to provide a balance between inclusiveness and respect for the process and efforts of the <br /> committees and the Board up to this point. The conference begins with a pre-lunch <br /> nonvoting discussion of the proposed goals. This allows commissioners not previously <br /> involved in the deliberations, particularly newly elected commissioners, to improve their <br /> understanding of the issues. <br /> Voting Process <br /> • Every member county appoints a voting delegate to the conference. <br /> • Every county in attendance has one vote. The voting delegate can be any county <br /> official, including non-elected officials, and a county may choose an alternate. No <br /> proxies are allowed. <br /> • Goals are presented by steering committee subject category. Upon motion of any <br /> voting delegate,a proposal can be set aside for detailed discussion. <br /> • Majority votes are required to approve or alter the proposed goals. <br /> Screening Committee Process <br /> The Association has a Screening Committee process to allow for consideration of newly <br /> proposed goals or proposals previously presented but not approved. The Screening <br /> Committee is composed of the Legislative Goals Committee chairs and the seven Steering <br /> Committee chairs. The Screening Committee meets at the end of the first day of the <br /> conference to review and hear presentations on any newly submitted proposals. <br /> The rules under which the Screening Committee operates are designed to provide for fair <br /> consideration.of new or previously unsuccessful ideas. <br /> Rules for the Screening Committee process are as follows: <br /> • Any new or previous goal proposal must be submitted to the committee by <br /> 1 p.m.on the first day of the conference. <br /> 12 <br />