Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> Stage 2 -Steering Committee Review(September—October) <br /> The Steering Committee Review is the first step in our legislative goals development <br /> process. The Association has seven Steering Committees, organized by subject matter. <br /> These are permanent, standing committees. Membership on the Steering Committees is <br /> open to any county official—elected, appointed or administrative; chairs are appointed by <br /> the Association President following each annual conference.The Steering Committees are: <br /> • Agriculture <br /> • Environment <br /> • Health and Human Services <br /> • Intergovernmental Relations <br /> • Justice and Public Safety <br /> • Public Education <br /> • Taxation and Finance <br /> Proposed goals are sorted according to subject matter by NCACC staff and referred to the <br /> appropriate Steering Committees for review. Steering Committees may hear from county <br /> officials who submit goal proposals and also may review staff research and analysis. The <br /> participation of county staff on Steering Committees provides professional expertise that is <br /> critically important as a "reality check" when Steering Committees deliberate the <br /> Practicality of proposals, discuss how proposals could or should be modified,consider how <br /> they align with other proposals,and suggest revisions to better meet the needs of the county <br /> "family." Though staff expertise is critical, particularly at this early stage, as the goals- <br /> setting process moves forward, it is increasingly controlled by elected county <br /> commissioners. <br /> During the goal setting process the steering committee members are asked to make specific <br /> recommendations or actions about each submitted goal. The committee actions include, <br /> but are not limited to: <br /> • Favorable — A goal is approved to send to the Legislative Goals Committee for <br /> further discussion and consideration. <br /> • Amend—The committee may revise or amend a proposal. <br /> • Unfavorable—The committee declines to send the goal forward. <br /> • Forward Without Prejudice —The Committee has no opinion on the proposal, but <br /> wants the Legislative Goals Committee to consider it. <br /> • Needs Further Study — The Committee has insufficient information to make an <br /> informed decision and requests that the sponsors either do further research or bring <br /> back answers to particular questions at a later date. <br /> In addition to considering proposed goals submitted by counties and partner organizations, <br /> the Steering Committees review goals from the previous legislative session to determine <br /> whether they are still relevant and should be continued. The committees are also <br /> empowered to develop their own suggested goals when needed.Each committee submits its <br /> proposed goals to the Legislative Goals Committee. <br /> 8 <br />