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Gary Gaddy said that he endorses this issue and he thinks that the mast important <br />single decision they can make is the minimum lot size decision. <br />Jack Chestnut said that he is glad to see that the advisory boards will have input in the <br />land use process, especially with regard to senior-friendly housing and affordable housing. <br />Jabrina Robinson said that they would like to be more engaged than just submitting a <br />document and they can bring value to the table as far as the land use plan. <br />Chair Jacobs said that part of why they gave the Planning Board the task of reorganizing <br />the land use plan update was so that the advisory boards that have expertise in specific areas <br />could articulate their vision. Also, Allan Rosen came to all public hearings about the land use <br />plan. <br />IV. Upcoming AHAB Focus Areas Allan Rosen <br />V. Closing Comments <br />Allan Rosen thanked the County Commissioners for the meeting and reminded them <br />that this is a big task to rethink the planning process. He said that there may be a need to bring <br />in additional resources to the table for this process update. <br />VI. Adjourn <br />With no further items to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:21 p.m. <br />Barry Jacobs, Chair <br />Donna S. Baker <br />Clerk to the Board <br />