Orange County NC Website
iii. Fairview Park (page 3-27} <br />Dave Stancil said that the Board of Commissioners approved the master plan on April <br />10t" and they are waiting for the Tawn of Hillsborough to consider it. There may be a few bits of <br />text that the Town wants reviewed again. Once the Town approves it, the plan will be posted at <br />the community substation. There are several things to discuss with the Town before the <br />construction phase, such as the proposed land swap between the County and the Town for a <br />potential Town Public Works site and what role the Town would play in the operation and <br />maintenance of the park. <br />iv. Millhouse Road Park {page 3,46) <br />This is the working title for the Julia Blackwood property and this funding will address <br />upgrades to the house. The plan is to get the inspections team there soon to look at the <br />possibility of getting ERCD moved in there soon. <br />v. Northern Human Services Park (page 3-49) <br />Dave Stancil said that this park as well as Twin Creeks Park are both ready to go into <br />the pre-construction phases. There is engineering work to be done at both places and RFPs <br />will be going out. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about a sheet of scheduling for park statuses and Dave <br />Stancil said that he would do this. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested as a follow up to this meeting, that staff attach a timetable for <br />each of these projects for easy reference. <br />vi. Smith Middle School Lighting (page 3-63} <br />This item was addressed with Efland-Cheeks Park. <br />vii. Twin Creeks Development (page 3-68) <br />viii. West 10 Soccer Complex (page 3-72} <br />Lori Taft said that there were economies of scale exercised with the pre-grading part of <br />the project along with the middle school. The grading has been done and there is $700,000 left <br />to potentially complete two of the six fields. The funds would not be enough to construct the <br />building for restrooms and lighting. This is an hold right now. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked for an explanation of the leftover money. Lori Taft said <br />that the Board of Commissioners approved an additional $375,000 last year from the remaining <br />Soccer Superfund and the $635,000 that was appropriated from the Soccer Superfund was to <br />go to the purchase and the pre-grading. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis would like to get this information on how much money is left for <br />this complex and what exactly could be accomplished because there seems to be some <br />uncertainty. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there is probably about $300,000 left and not $700,000. <br />Lori Taft said that this is probably right and she apologized. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked how much it casts to do a field and Lori Taft said that she <br />does not have an estimate for this. <br />Jahn Link asked Dave Stancil and Lori Taft to work an a chart like the Lands Legacy <br />chart with starting revenue, land and infrastructure expenses, net still outstanding, etc. <br />