Minutes - 20060420
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20060420
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8/14/2008 2:09:40 PM
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8/13/2008 2:40:29 PM
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Chair Jacobs suggested inviting the Chair of the Durham Tech board and the President <br />to come to agenda review to meet with the Chair, the Vice-Chair, and the Manager and talk <br />through a satisfactory process. <br />vi. Senior Centers {page 3-62 in CIP notebook) <br />Pam Janes said that the Seymour Center is further along in construction and they hope <br />to be finished in December 2006. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about tree protection at the Southern Human Services Center and <br />Pam Janes said that the Town of Chapel Hill regulates where the fence is located. Chair <br />Jacobs would like someone from forestry to look at this fencing under the tree. He said that this <br />tree would die if something were not done. He said that the Town's standards are wrong in this <br />case. <br />Chair Jacobs said that they are going to honor the seniors for coming up with the <br />Homestead Road Crosswalk and one of the things that they also identified was that there was <br />no sidewalk on the front of the County's property. Pam Jones said that she would check on <br />this. <br />Pam Jones said that the Central Orange Senior Center work group is making progress <br />with this design. They decided to go with a more flexible place instead of a full blown multi- <br />media center. The seniors are driving the planning process and the process will be the same. <br />She said that there is some concern about moving the elder day health center to the Sportsplex <br />and they are looking at an option that includes a mezzanine over the ice rink. The eldercare <br />space would require some outside space as well. She said that they hope to get it up and going <br />by the end of the year. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if they resolved the seniors' concerns about sharing the <br />space with the Sportsplex and Commissioner Halkiotis said that they have asked the Manager <br />to set up a separate group and they are having difficulty getting a meeting with the management <br />company of the Sportsplex. <br />Chair Jacobs said that they assured the seniors that they would not be sharing space <br />with the children, but there was an issue about exercise equipment and sharing of the <br />equipment. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if the seniors asked for their own entrance and staff <br />responded yes. There will be 15,000 square feet of dedicated senior space. <br />c. County Park Projects Update <br />i. Blackwood Farm {3-7) <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Director Dave Stancil said that funding would <br />be needed far surveying work after the first of the fiscal year far the master plan. <br />ii. Efland-Cheeks Park {page 3-19) <br />Recreation and Parks Director Lori Taft said that they have completed Phase II and they <br />will celebrate this on April 28`". This includes the lighting, the new picnic shelter, and the <br />playground. She said that they did set aside money to expand the trails in the wooded area to <br />the northwest of the property, but they learned that Americorps was being cut from the federal <br />budget so they do not know how they will finish the trails. <br />She said that the lighting portion was partnered with the Smith Middle School soccer <br />field lighting and they saved funds by bidding them out together. <br />
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