Minutes - 20060420
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20060420
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8/14/2008 2:09:40 PM
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8/13/2008 2:40:29 PM
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Paul Thames said that the construction plans are an the shelf and all they need to do is <br />go to the Town of Hillsborough and have the plan approved and go through a bidding process. <br />John Link asked him to move ahead on this for the eastside of the Whiffed Building. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked if the $112,000 for the compressed natural gas station <br />included the grant money and Donna Dean-Coffey said yes. The grant money was $49,000. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis wants to give a message that there was a considerable grant piece that <br />came along with this that ERCD Director Dave 5tancil worked to achieve. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the Homestead Aquatics Center and said that this does <br />not include the money from the Town of Chapel Hill, and even with the money that Chapel Hill <br />has allocated, it is $750,000 over budget. There is a meeting next week to see how this can be <br />whittled down. <br />John Link said that these amounts represent what was agreed upon with Chapel Hill four <br />or five years ago. <br />b. County Construction Projects Update <br />i. Animal Services Facility (page 3-4 in CIP notebook} <br />Pam Jones said that they are still getting the RFP together and should have a <br />recommendation before the summer break as to an architect. The land closes pending the SUP <br />with the Town of Chapel Hill. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the SUP process and Pam Jones said that the <br />architect needs to get on board and then it is an 18-month process and we are not even in the <br />18-month process yet. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked Pam Janes to keep green building concepts in mind. He <br />said that he saw on CNN that a group in California is harvesting dog waste and using it as a bio- <br />mass base for fuel. He thinks that this should be seriously considered. <br />Pam Jones said that local architects might not have experience designing shelters, so <br />there may be a partnership with local architects, who know how to navigate the Chapel Hill SUP <br />process and outside architects, who are familiar with animal shelters. <br />John Link said that there is a shelter being built in Catawba County by an architect who <br />has built these throughout the country. This would be a possibility for a visit. <br />ii. County Campus Development (page 3-15-in CIP notebook} <br />Donna Dean-Coffey said that they have programmed a few years in the future about <br />$1.8 million to secure land if the Board so chooses, and $11.2 million to construct a facility, but <br />this is unfunded. <br />Pam Janes said that they hope to have a recommendation to bring back to the Board <br />from the space study group in reference to this. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the F. Gordon Battle Courtroom window casings are <br />rotting and he asked if the historic code would prevent the use of vinyl or aluminum clad <br />windows. <br />Chair Jacobs said that this came up with the Justice Facilities expansion and there were <br />a variety of opinions among the historic preservation community. There should be a better idea <br />about this when they talk about the new courthouse expansion with the Historic Hillsborough <br />District Commission. <br />
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