Minutes - 20060420
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20060420
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8/14/2008 2:09:40 PM
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8/13/2008 2:40:29 PM
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John Link asked about the status of the water and sewer at the Northern Center and <br />Wayne Fenton said that the water and sewer is the stalling component. Jahn Link asked about <br />the money for this and Donna Dean-Coffey said that the money is in place with 213 net debt <br />from prior years. Wayne Fenton said that the design for the well has been submitted to the <br />State and the septic design as well. The main holdup is that the septic system is at capacity <br />now. They are going to do some work for the restroom renovations and they are going to be <br />meeting with experts in this field. <br />John Link asked how many elements of the improvements the Board of County <br />Commissioners wants to see in 2006-07 or 2007-08. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that his frustration is that there have been several <br />presentations in the last eight years from two ar three engineers. <br />Chair Jacobs said that they had a meeting recently about the Northern Human Services <br />Center and he suggested having a detailed analysis about what the $891,000 is to be used for <br />and to have monthly updates on this facility. He asked if this amount includes the water and <br />sewer and Donna Dean-Caffey said yes. <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed with Commissioner Halkiotis about getting something <br />done on this building. She thought the water and sewer was a little more definite. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the money for the house at Southern Human <br />Services Center and Pam Jones said that when the space study was done the plan was to have <br />a conference center, but the actual work to be done included updating the restrooms, making <br />the kitchen area a kitchenette for meetings, painting, etc. Commissioner Gordon asked about <br />the $50,000 and Donna Dean-Coffey said that it would be used to stabilize the facility. <br />Pam Janes said that they couldn't use the house for County purposes until it has <br />adequate restrooms updated to meet public building regulations. <br />John Link said that the function that the Space Committee discussed was the proposal <br />by Social Services to use this for family conferences by their staff. It might take $100,000 or <br />mare to make the house usable. <br />Pam Jones said that the next step is to bring in the building assessment group to have <br />them look at this to see what it could be used for, the codes it would have to meet, etc. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the County has had this property for about 12 years <br />and if they cannot figure out how to use it by now, then it should be deconstructed. He <br />suggested getting another footprint for this site and building a new building because it will be <br />cheaper that way. He proposed having one visit and then deciding what to do with it and <br />Commissioner Carey agreed. <br />Chair Jacobs said that they are coming forward with a master plan for this property, and <br />if the assessment group that is going to Cate and Blackwood Farms could look at this building, <br />then an intelligent decision could be made. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about paved parking lots and said that when the County <br />Commissioners discussed reallocating monies to cover the Efland portion of the water and <br />sewer, the Manager recommended not taking all of the parking lot paving money from the <br />Whitted building and using it far the human services side of the building. He asked when this <br />was scheduled to be paved. John Link said that they do not have a plan at this point. Chair <br />Jacobs asked for a date for this paving to take place and Jahn Link agreed and asked Wayne <br />Fenton and County Engineer Paul Thames to take note. <br />
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