Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: This request has been reviewed by various County departments who <br /> have determined that the approval or denial of the request would not create the need for <br /> additional funding for the provision of County services. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board: <br /> 1. Receive the Planning Board recommendation; <br /> 2. If necessary, deliberate further on the application; <br /> 3. Close the public hearing; and <br /> 4. Take action on the request by: <br /> a. Review and approval of the Special Use Permit Findings of Fact contained within <br /> Attachment 6 of this abstract and make the appropriate findings that the <br /> application complies with the various sections of the UDO, including the general <br /> findings as denoted within Section 5.3.2 (A) (2). <br />