Orange County NC Website
Planning Board July 11 , 2012 regular meeting <br /> Attachment 3 <br /> AN ORDINANCE DENYING AN AMENDMENT REQUEST TO <br /> THE ORANGE COUNTY ZONING ATLAS <br /> WHEREAS, Spence Dickinson has initiated an amendment to the Orange County Zoning <br /> Atlas, as established in Section 1.2 of the Orange County Unified Development Ordinance <br /> (UDO), to rezone a parcel of undeveloped real property, approximately 4 acres in area, located <br /> north of intersection of Blackwood Mountain Road (SR 2258) and Pathway Court: <br /> From: Rural Buffer(RB) and Planned Development Housing Rural Residential (PD-H-R1) <br /> To: Rural Buffer(RB) <br /> and, <br /> WHEREAS, the parcels are further identified through the following legal description: <br /> BEGINNING <br /> at an iron pipe, the north west corner of the Common Land, Heartwood at Blackwood <br /> Mtn., Phase I as recorded in Plat Book 58 Page 151, Orange County Registry, said point <br /> being also in the center line of Pathway Court, a 50' private road right-of-way as <br /> recorded in Plat Book 53 Page 172, OCR; thence with the center line of Pathway Court, a <br /> curve to the left with a radius of 192.00', a length of 132.14' to an iron pipe; thence a <br /> curve to the left with a radius of 125.00', a length of 71.99' to a point; thence North 74 <br /> degrees, 01 minutes, 56 seconds West 53.29' to an iron pipe in the center line of Pathway <br /> Court and in the center line of a 20' septic easement as shown on a plat recorded in Plat <br /> Book 90 Page 181, OCR; thence with the center line of said easement, North 08 degrees, <br /> 38 minutes, 57 seconds East 147.30' to an iron pipe; thence North 23 degrees, 01 <br /> minutes, 18 seconds West 107.40' to an iron pipe; thence North 78 degrees, 01 minutes, <br /> 27 seconds East 219.70' to an iron pipe; thence North 78 degrees, 00 minutes, 32 seconds <br /> West 89.00' to an iron pipe in the east right-of-way of the aforementioned Pathway <br /> Court; thence North 06 degrees, 48 minutes, 34 seconds East 160.00' to an iron pipe; <br /> thence South 78 degrees, 00 minutes, 56 seconds East 157.88' to an iron pipe; thence <br /> North 06 degrees, 48 minutes, 34 seconds East 241.88' to an iron pipe in the line of the <br /> Waldorf Educational Association of North Carolina; thence with the Waldorf property <br /> South 83 degrees, 11 minutes, 31 seconds East 200.00' to an iron pipe; thence with <br /> Waldorf property South 06 degrees, 48 minutes, 34 seconds West 419.97' to an iron pipe; <br /> thence South 83 degrees, 11 minutes, 26 seconds East 116.40' to an iron pipe; thence <br /> North 69 degrees 38 minutes 10 seconds East 102.48' to an iron pipe in the Waldorf line, <br /> the north west corner of the Spence Dickinson property as recorded in Plat Book 61 Page <br /> 123, OCR; thence with the Dickinson property South 05 degrees, 02 minutes, 44 seconds <br /> West 440.11' to an iron pipe in the north line of the aforementioned Common Land, <br /> Heartwood at Blackwood Mtn., Phase I; thence North 78 degrees, 11 minutes, 22 seconds <br /> West 44.45' to the point and place of beginning and being all of Lot 31, Heartwood at <br /> Blackwood Mtn., Phase II as recorded in Plat Book 90 Page 181, and containing 4.003 <br /> Acres, more or less. <br /> 1 <br />