Orange County NC Website
2. Resolution Opposing NC Senate Bill 508 and House Bill 648 - "So-Called" Exempt <br />Builder's Inventory -these bills would exempt builder's inventory from property taxes. <br />Builder's inventory means lots that are platted and have been approved and are <br />available for sale. The resolution states that Orange County's tax base could be <br />reduced by $150-200 million if this bill is passed and this money would have to be made <br />up by the citizens that live in the community. <br />3. Resolution Petitioning the State for County Medicaid Relief -North Carolina is the only <br />state where the General Assembly has not made an effort to remove Medicaid <br />responsibility from the counties. <br />4. Resolution Requesting Restoration of the Ability for Public School Systems to Request <br />and Receive Refunds of State and Local Sales and Use Taxes Paid for Goods and <br />Services. <br />5. Resolution Requesting Funding to Construct a Park and Ride Lot and Operate a Shuttle <br />Service in Downtown Hillsborough -this is a request for $300,000. <br />6. Resolution of Support and Funding Request for an Orange County Agriculture and <br />Natural Resource Center -this resolution would be deferred until the Board receives a <br />report from the Ag Center Work Group. <br />7. Request for Feasibility Study Funding far a Regional Shared Use Value-Added <br />Processing Center in Orange County -there is an opportunity far local agriculture to <br />prosper better if there is an opportunity locally and regionally to bring products to a <br />center where they can be processed and sold, keeping the product closer to home and <br />increasing the value. <br />8. Resolution Supporting State Public Education Initiatives That Are Clearly and Fully <br />Funded by Additional State Revenue -this is asking the General Assembly to send <br />money when it dictates reducing class size. <br />9. Resolution Calling for Re-Determination of Statewide Mental Health Reform -this is <br />supporting the Legislative Oversight Committee in saying that it is time to take another <br />look at mental health reform and what is coming out of the State Department of Health <br />and Human Services is not what was envisioned when mental health reform was first <br />presented. <br />10. Resolution Opposing Legislation at the Federal or State Level to Strip Local <br />Governments' Cable Franchise Authority -this would ask for support from the General <br />Assembly and federal legislators to oppose stripping local governments' cable <br />franchising authority. <br />11. Resolution Supporting Family House at UNC Hospitals -this organization intends to <br />build a 40-bedroom hospitality house in Chapel Hill where families can stay while their <br />loved ones are at UNC Hospitals. They are asking the General Assembly for $50,000 to <br />help in this $6.3 million capital campaign. <br />12. Resolution in Support of Potential Statewide Public Referenda on Land for Tomorrow <br />Bonds, School Construction Bonds, and Water and Sewer Bonds <br />13. Resolution Proposing the Appointment of a Citizens Committee to Follow Up on the <br />2001 Smart Growth Commission Report -there has been no action taken regarding the <br />recommendations of this committee and the Board of County Commissioners is asking <br />for the legislature to implement these recommendations. <br />14. Resolution Proposing Changes to the Open Burning Permits Issuance System to <br />Remove the Burning Prohibition Exemption, Specifically in Periods of Drought, Or, In the <br />Alternative, Requesting Local Government Authority to Prohibit Open Burning Without <br />the State's Declaration of a Hazardous Condition <br />