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The Board received and considered the proposed master plan for the Fairview Public <br />Campus, including Fairview Park. <br />Dave Stancil said that this master plan was presented at the joint meeting with the Tawn <br />of Hillsborough a month ago. He said that this is a culmination of many years of discussion <br />about the park in the Fairview Community. There were some committee members present. He <br />said that Chair Jacobs and Commissioner Halkiotis served on the Master Plan Committee as it <br />met. This now completes the master plan processes for all of the bond park projects. He made <br />reference to page 7 of the materials, which is a table of activities of the committee to create the <br />master plan. The site had a lot of constraints and the design is a pod concept, which is an <br />attempt to try and work around portions of the property -the farmer landfill area and the town's <br />storm debris area. There are access paints to the park throughout the community. The <br />facilities that the group outlined as priorities were the lighted basketball courts, the full-size <br />youth softbalUbaseballfleld, playground, and picnic shelter. He made reference to page 12 and <br />said that the committee is still interested in the passibility of using the former landfill areas to the <br />north at some point in time. They recommend sowing the grass for now and making a meadow, <br />or a mare passive recreational area. <br />Dave Stancil said that they are thankful to citizens who participated in this project over <br />the last three months. He said that the Town of Hillsborough is to consider this on May 8th and <br />then if bath jurisdictions approve this, they can discuss the land swap and a memorandum of <br />agreement far operations and maintenance. They would put a copy of this master plan at the <br />Fairview community police substation. As far as funding, they need to make decisions about <br />which facilities would be built with the existing funds. They propose moving forward with the <br />construction bids sa that decisions could be more easily made. The recommendation is to <br />receive the plan, discuss it, and provide direction to staff. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that it was 20 years ago when this park was proposed. It is <br />disheartening in one way and wonderful in another. He commended the Environment and <br />Resource Conservation Department because no one in the department whines. He is proud of <br />the department for drawing up the master plan with the help of Marybeth Carr. Master plans <br />cost at least $50,000 to take out to consultants. He commended Dave Stancil far doing master <br />plans in-house. He thanked the staff for making this park finally happen. <br />Commissioner Carey commended staff and citizens on their hard work. He asked about <br />the discussion with the Tawn of Hillsborough about operations and maintenance of this park to <br />date. Recreation and Parks Director Lori Taft said that a couple of years ago they had a staff <br />level meeting and there was willingness then, and they hope to begin formal discussions within <br />the next year. <br />Chair Jacobs said that when they present the report, they need to give credit to the <br />citizens that have worked on this also. Dave Stancil said that they would do this. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the agreements with Hillsborough that could take most <br />of the year before going to construction bids. Dave Stancil said that some of that could occur <br />simultaneously. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested that if they vote an the master plan that they ask John Link to <br />contact the Manager of Hillsborough to schedule meetings to discuss issues before they move <br />forward with the project. <br />Chair Jacobs asked if they could post the master plan at Fairview in the window with <br />proposed project schedule and proposed uses. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />adopt the Fairview Public Campus Master Plan, including Fairview Park. <br />John Link said that, as a point of clarification of the timetable, as they pursue the <br />"meadows of dreams", he asked if they have determined the amount of money to make the area <br />safe for walking dogs. Dave Stancil said that there are remediation casts that are beyond what <br />