Orange County NC Website
65 <br /> 1 "On behalf of?? Crabtree Home Building, we would like to express our concerns <br /> 2 regarding the proposed zoning change along Old NC 10 and Orange County. Several years <br /> 3 ago, we chose to develop a small community that would complement the current character of <br /> 4 Old NC 10 and would be important to the long-term land use plan and current zoning. The <br /> 5 neighborhood is called Weldon Ridge and consists of nine homes, each built on one-acre lots. <br /> 6 Those would purchased property in our neighborhood did so because they wished to live in a <br /> 7 rural Orange County neighborhood. The proposed zoning changes, which would allow <br /> 8 numerous enterprises to be established on this rural residential road are simply not consistent <br /> 9 with the character of Old NC 10 and will significantly compromise the charm and appeal of this <br /> 10 part of the County. As a homebuilder, we chose this area in part because of the current zoning <br /> 11 and long-term land use plan. If non-residential entities are allowed to be mixed among homes <br /> 12 along this road, this will seriously compromise home values and severely diminish the desire for <br /> 13 future homebuyers to purchase properties in this part of the County. <br /> 14 I would strongly suggest that the County Commissioners, in conjunction with the <br /> 15 Planning Board, retain the current long-term land use plan and current zoning for Old NC 10. <br /> 16 Sincerely, <br /> 17 Gail Crabtree" <br /> 18 Jon Arvik is a retired research scientist and a resident of Weldon Ridge. He said that he <br /> 19 and his wife hope this is their final home in rural Orange County. He said that this zoning <br /> 20 change will cause significant noise and air pollution. He said that the last 30 years of his career <br /> 21 included growth studies in urban, suburban, and rural areas, as well as environmental <br /> 22 management. This experience has led him to express his concerns. His primary concern is the <br /> 23 EDE-2 zoning. The commercial operations that will be permitted here will result in high rates of <br /> 24 particulate, which cause increases in cardiac and respiratory diseases. He is also concerned <br /> 25 about traffic, which could triple or quadruple. <br /> 26 Ray Hackney lives in Weldon Ridge. He said that he is concerned about the safety of <br /> 27 their children. In the neighborhood, there are seven children under the age of 8 and more on <br /> 28 the way. The proposed rezoning would bring businesses that could present some hazards for <br /> 29 their children. He urged the Board to reconsider these changes. <br /> 30 Chris Kelsey lives along Old NC 10. He spoke to Amendment#3. He said that this is a <br /> 31 beautiful, quiet, historic, rural residential road. He said that Craig Benedict has indicated that it <br /> 32 has been proposed by the Planning Department to retain the rural residential zoning along this <br /> 33 road. He wholeheartedly agreed with this decision. However, it is still proposed to change the <br /> 34 land use classification along Old NC 10 to EDE-2, which allows a number of non-residential <br /> 35 enterprises. This inconsistency will lead to future tension and discord. Furthermore, the <br /> 36 Durham long-term plan calls for the same area in yellow to be residential. This is a discrepancy <br /> 37 between the zoning, the land use plan, and Orange County's plan and the City of Durham's <br /> 38 plan. He said that EDE-1 would allow government, real estate, banking, and other commercial <br /> 39 enterprises to be added haphazardly among rural residential neighbors. <br /> 40 Christi Kelsey is a stay-at-home mom and she lives in Weldon Ridge. She has three of <br /> 41 the seven children mentioned before. She spoke against the zoning change in this rural <br /> 42 residential area. She said that she grew up in the city where she could easily walk to <br /> 43 commercial industry and she did not feel safe. She said that she moved to Orange County to <br /> 44 get away from this. <br />