Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> 9893807291 9892797963 9893703811 9893807469 9893707016 <br /> 9893707198 9892793983 9893809890 9893806572 9893804073 <br /> 9893902164 9892795910 9893800735 9892799992 9893700007 <br /> 9892699764 9892790923 9892892988 <br /> NOTE: 113 properties averaging less than 1/2 acre each. <br /> Future Land Use Map Changes <br /> (Area 2) <br /> • Change 130.8 acres from Commercial Node to Economic Development. <br /> (Area north of the rail corridor and along Old NC 10) <br /> Economic Development land use allows some residential and `soft' non-residential such <br /> as office which exists in the area and removes the commercial element. <br /> The Parcel Identification Numbers (PIN) for these 130.8 acres are as follows: <br /> 0803002614 9892998862 0803100109 9893604939 9893909606 <br /> 9893608557 0803007438 0802092905 9893618051 9893608242 <br /> 0803207282 0803004553 0803100055 9893603521 0803102261 <br /> 0803107244 9892996872 0803001017 9893602164 0802394949 <br /> 0803307352 9892699764 9892798476 9892790923 0803003547 <br /> 0803006178 9892894495 9892990026 0803303393 0803109390 <br /> 0802093923 0803300153 9892892121 0802094831 0803104242 <br /> 0803202254 0802090955 9892991685 9892698891 9892895043 <br /> 0803101210 <br /> Future Land Use Map Changes <br /> (Area 3) <br /> • Change 181.3 acres from Rural Residential to Economic Development. <br /> (Area north of Old NC 10 and west of the railway underpass) <br /> The Parcel Identification Numbers (PIN) for these 181.3 acres are as follows: <br /> 9892691494 9892693355 9893302785 9893333390 9893202889 <br /> 0803307443 9892698435 9893501063 0803307352 9893403551 <br /> 9892599833 9892696503 9892593907 9893214750 <br /> 9892594954 9893229506 9893524275 9893313471 <br /> 9892596828 9893420409 9892691711 9893313471 <br /> In addition, the following road right-of way (no PIN) is proposed to be changed (125.5± <br /> acres): <br /> • Approximately 11 acres from Commercial Node to 10-Year Transition. <br /> • Approximately 29.2 acres from Commercial Node to Economic Development. <br /> • Approximately 85.3 acres from Rural Residential to Economic Development. <br /> (Primarily 1-85 and railroad right-of-way) <br />