Orange County NC Website
14 <br /> Continue to permit HUD code-compliant manufactured housing as a form of <br /> affordable housing in the County. <br /> LU-1.1 <br /> Coordinate the location of higher intensity/high density residential and non-residential <br /> development with existing or planned locations of public transportation, commercial <br /> and community services, and adequate supporting infrastructure (i.e., water and <br /> sewer, high-speed internet access, streets, and sidewalks), while avoiding areas with <br /> protected natural and cultural resources. This could be achieved by increasing <br /> allowable densities and creating new mixed-use zoning districts where adequate <br /> public services are available. <br /> LU-2.2, 2.3, 2.7, 2.9, 3.2 <br /> LU-4.1 <br /> Support the use of individual manufactured housing units as a useful housing <br /> resource in the County by increasing the opportunities where these units can locate <br /> by-right. <br /> WW-2 <br /> Coordinate the provision of potable water and sanitary sewer services with the <br /> County's Land Use Plan and Orange County-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Joint Planning <br /> Agreement and Land Use Plan, targeting these services to urban, transitional, and <br /> economic development districts in a manner that does not endanger environmental <br /> resources. <br /> NACS-Goal 1 <br /> Energy conservation, sustainable use of non-polluting renewable energy resources, <br /> efficient use of non-renewable energy resources, and clean air. <br /> NAGS-Goal 6 <br /> Sustainable quality and quantity of ground and surface water resources. <br /> NAGS-Goal 7 <br /> A balanced and healthy diversity of native plant and animal populations. <br /> NAGS-Goal 8 <br /> Networks of protected natural, cultural, and agricultural lands. <br /> These goals are promoted by creating urban areas that are more efficient in the use <br /> of human resources while taking pressure off natural resources in other areas. <br /> 4. New Statutes and Rules <br /> Not applicable. <br /> C. PROCESS <br /> 1. TIMEFRAME/MILESTONES/DEADLINES <br /> a. BOCC Authorization to Proceed <br /> November 1, 2011 <br /> b. Quarterly Public Hearing <br /> February 27, 2012 and May 29, 2012 <br /> c. BOCC Updates/Checkpoints <br /> 3 <br />