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1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: September 6, 2012 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 5-k <br /> SUBJECT: Approval of Expanded Cane Creek Fire Insurance District Map <br /> DEPARTMENT: Emergency Services PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Cane Creek Fire Insurance District Map F. R. Montes de Oca, 919-245-6140 <br /> David Sykes, 919-245-6125 <br /> PURPOSE: To approve the Cane Creek Fire Insurance District Map which has been expanded <br /> to include properties within six road miles of Orange Grove Volunteer Fire Company Station 2. <br /> BACKGROUND: Orange Grove Volunteer Fire Company recognized the need to acquire land <br /> and build a fire station to enhance fire protection services for the property owners and residents <br /> in the eastern area of the district. Property owners in that area were not eligible to be in the fire <br /> insurance district because they were more than six road miles from the Orange Grove station <br /> located on Orange Grove Road. <br /> Orange Grove Volunteer Fire Company acquired land through a long term lease agreement with <br /> Nutter Farms and completed Station 2 in July 2012. The station is located at 6801 Rocky Ridge <br /> Road. The station is now equipped with apparatus and is awaiting certification from the North <br /> Carolina Department of Insurance, Office of the State Fire Marshal. The insurance boundaries <br /> for Station 2 need to be extended to six road miles from the station. Expansion of the insurance <br /> boundaries will allow property owners in the eastern section of the district to be inside the <br /> insurance district and take advantage of lower fire insurance rates if within six road miles of the <br /> station. <br /> Emergency Services staff worked with Orange Grove Volunteer Fire Company and Orange <br /> County Information Technologies — Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to ensure an <br /> accurate revised map of the Cane Creek Fire Insurance District. The map, identified as the <br /> Cane Creek Fire Insurance District Map, is attached and has been approved by staff from the <br /> North Carolina Department of Insurance, Office of the State Fire Marshal Ratings and <br /> Inspections Division. Upon approval by the Board of County Commissioners, the Office of the <br /> State Fire Marshal can extend the fire insurance district to six road miles from Orange Grove <br /> Volunteer Fire Company Station 2. The Emergency Services Workgroup approved the <br /> construction of Orange Grove Volunteer Fire Company Station 2. <br />