Orange County NC Website
I. Master Plan Process -New Hope Park at Blackwood Farm <br />The Board approved the proposed master plan process and authorized the recruitment of <br />citizens and members to serve on the proposed committee. Staff will prepare a draft <br />Preliminary Concept Plan for Board consideration on May 4 (at the time when appointments <br />would be made}, as well as an action item for a June agenda to allow far the needed survey <br />work to be funded in the proposed FY 2006-07 CIP to occur over the summer, as outlined <br />above. <br />m. Interlacal Agreement between Town of Hillsborough and Orange County for National <br />Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase II Services <br />The Board approved an Interlocal Agreement far implementation of the Stormwater Program <br />for the Town of Hillsborough by Planning and Inspections' Erosion Control Division. <br />n. Proposed Memorandum of Understanding -Haw River Trail Corridor <br />The Board approved, in follow-up to the discussion at the Board's March 13, 2006 work <br />session, entering into a memorandum of understanding (MOU} with the State of North Carolina <br />Division of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) and other local governments <br />regarding planning for a Haw River Trail Corridor, and authorize the staff from ERCD and <br />Recreation and Parks to participate in the subsequent discussions and planning efforts. <br />o. Amendments to Regulated Recyclable Materials Ordinance (First Readingl <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br />consideration. <br />~ SUP-A-1-06: Partnership Academy Alternative School for Orange County (Class A <br />Special Use Permit) <br />The Board continued, held open, and adjourned the public hearing until the Board of <br />Commissioners' meeting at 7:30 p.m. on April 10, 2006 at the Battle Courtroom in Hillsborough <br />to receive additional information and to make all evidence submitted part of the record; and <br />referred the application to the Planning Board for a recommendation to come back to the Board <br />of County Commissioners on April 10, 2006. <br />VOTE ON CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: <br />f. Contract Award -GovDeals, Electronic Auction Services <br />The Board considered awarding a contract for disposal of surplus properly via electronic <br />auction from GovDeals of Montgomery, Alabama, subject to County Attorney and staff review; <br />and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he supports this, but he has questions. He said that he <br />read the agreement but he did not see the element of flexibility in setting up restricted areas on <br />the website. Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones said that they can do this for <br />the website. It does not have to be included in the agreement. <br />Commissioner Carey asked, if the website can be partitioned, what would the vendor <br />charge and Pam Jones said a minimum of $5.00. Commissioner Carey suggested setting the <br />minimum fee at $5.00 for whoever goes to the reserved site. <br />Commissioner Carey asked about the process for reviewing the list of things going up for <br />auction by the Board of County Commissioners and Pam Janes said that the Board has <br />authorized her to sell anything below $5,000, and she would come back with items that are <br />more. She said that she could provide a list of things that are on the website. <br />Commissioner Carey verified that staff time would be reduced because the buyer would <br />have to pick up the item and it would not be stored and taken somewhere else by a staff <br />member. <br />