Orange County NC Website
"The Nature of Orange" � _ � <br /> Sponsors 4 <br /> Photography Contest - ,_ <br /> \ <br /> • Orange County Department of Environment, <br /> 'AtiAlk <br /> Agriculture, Parks and Recreation <br /> The Department of Environment, Agriculture, :7;7; 774e A i7774, <br /> Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) is proud to • Orange County Commission for the <br /> present its inaugural Nature Photography Con- � Environment <br /> test. The goal is to inspire exploration, cele- <br /> b ration and appreciation of Orange County's • Orange County Cooperative Extension /4-H <br /> diverse landscapes and outdoor experiences. Owner/Use Rights: <br /> Through photography we want you to docu- Contestants retain the copyright to their photo- <br /> ment the beauty of our wildlife, waterways, <br /> graphs, and all rights thereto, except as follows. • Orange County Parks and Recreation Council <br /> Orange County and DEAPR shall have the right <br /> natural resources, and people connecting with <br /> to use the likeness, name, and/or images photo- � \ ' ' _ = <br /> their environment. �� <br /> � � <br /> graphed by contestants in any and all publica- - �ti �7 <br /> Deadline: All entries must be received tions, including web site entries without com- -— _ <br /> pensation in perpetuity. <br /> by May 18, 2012 P <br /> Photos will be credited to the contestant named <br /> Age Divisions: ,\ <br /> in the entry form. Descriptions or titles, if any, 1 <br /> • Youth (age 18 � <br /> and younger) <br /> \\ used with the photos are in DEAPR's sole dis- <br /> • Adult �� � cretion (see Photo Release and Agreement on <br /> the required Entry Form under "Breaking News" <br /> Photographs " `'' at; � <br /> should feature: \` ° <br /> Orange County wildlife, natural resources, Judging Criteria: - ,_ _ <br /> - - - <br /> ' � <br /> landscapes, or people enjoying the parks and Relevan to Featured To ics Is the hoto an obvious ti �_� ' <br /> Relevancy p p <br /> outdoor environments. illustration of the focus of the contest. <br /> How to Submit Your Photo: Composition/Arrangement-Are the objects in the <br /> See the Contest Rules on the reverse page. photo arranged in a meaningful,pleasing manner or are <br /> they"haphazard"? Did the photographer use the best <br /> angle or otherwise interesting perspective? <br /> Prizes: $100 First, $75 Second, and $50 Third <br /> Place cash prizes will be awarded for photos in Focus/Sharpness-Is the object of the photo in focus? <br />