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Commissioner Halkiotis said that it might be good to plan on a transfer hookup <br />for a passible micro-turbine machine in design of buildings. <br />g. Report on Proposed Amendments to Regulated Recyclable Material <br />Ordinance <br />Chair Jacobs said that at agenda review they talked about having a little more of <br />an explanation of the issue. Since no Commissioner had a chance to look at this, there <br />is no point in spending time on this now. There needs to be a more detailed explanation. <br />The Board took a break for dinner at this time. <br />2. Budget/Capital Investment Plan (CIP) Drivers Discussion <br />John Link said that they are trying to be in step as they pull together the <br />operating and capital budgets. They have had two informal committee budget <br />discussions -one with the Chair and the Vice-Chair and one with Commissioner <br />Halkiotis and Commissioner Foushee. These are reasonable items that will need to be <br />addressed aver the next two fiscal years. <br />Budget Director Donna Dean made reference to the darker shaded areas. On <br />raw 12, which is on page 2 of 5, they removed the hiring delay. They are currently at a <br />120-day hiring delay and they are looking at a savings of $900,000+ for the current year. <br />If they phase in the removal of the hiring delay over two years there would be a <br />$450,000 savings. <br />Donna Dean then made reference to row 13, which is restoring the two cents <br />back to the schools' recurring capital and the County's long-range capital, and it would <br />be $2.4 million. <br />Rows 14 and 15 are broken out to show the Pay Plan and Employee Benefits <br />pieces. <br />Row 24 speaks to $1.5 million for Efland/Buckhorn Community Water and Sewer. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about rows 17-23 that were left blank. Donna Dean said that <br />these final numbers are due next week. <br />Assistant County Manager Gwen Harvey said that she spoke with Judy Truitt of <br />OPC Mental Health and they are expecting to make a request to the County for the <br />same amount as they got last year, which is about $1.4 million, with a small adjustment. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about the mental health transition and if this was already <br />budgeted or if it was additional new money. Gwen Harvey said that this is the <br />continuation of funding for OPC. Commissioner Carey reiterated that the OPC Board <br />has not discussed the budget yet. <br />John Link said that what is unknown is to what extent there could be services <br />that the State no longer funds and the County chooses to fund them. <br />Craig Benedict made reference to row 20 -Employees' <br />Transportation/Courthouse Shuttle -and said that AI Terry with OPT and Karen Lincoln <br />from Planning have been working on what a shuttle would cost for downtown <br />Hillsborough. It is estimated to cast $250,000. This includes employees, operating <br />expenses, and gas, but does not include the purchase of new OPT buses. This would <br />be an interim program for employee transportation. It would also not include the Durham <br />Tech park-and-ride lot. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Board has not really talked the employee <br />transportation plan through. <br />John Link assured the Board that any of the items that are discretionary an the <br />part of the County Commissioners are simply put down to give an idea of the costs. <br />