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Commissioner Gordon said that $2.9 million is the amount, and the point is what <br />goes into that. She asked what the amount was for the next year. Rod Visser said that <br />if you phase in the full funding of the capital funding policy, they could put in '/ cent next <br />year (2007-08} and ~/ cent the following year (2008-09). This is their working <br />assumption. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to page 11 and the last item of School Park <br />Reserve Funding and that it does not appear on the blue sheet. Donna Dean said that <br />the blue sheet has only the projects funded through the CIP this year. <br />Chair Jacobs said that this is unspent money and he suggested addressing <br />getting close to the debt ceiling by taking this money and using it for this purpose. He <br />asked about the last time any money was spent for the School Park Reserve Fund and <br />Donna Dean said that they used it last in 2000 for the purchase of Blackwood Farm. He <br />asked how much money was in Lands Legacy and it was answered $4-4.5 million. He <br />also verified that there are no school sites to purchase at this time. He suggested <br />considering some or all of this money to pay for this water and sewer. <br />Commissioner Gordon said she remembers transferring money from the School <br />Park Reserve Fund to the General Fund temporarily, with the assurance by the Manager <br />that it would be put back into the School Park Reserve Fund in the fall. However, it has <br />not yet been returned. She believes the money should be returned to the School Park <br />Reserve Fund as previously agreed. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he endorses Chair Jacobs' idea and he said <br />that he thought when they went ahead and told the CHCCS board that they would <br />realign the money for Elementary School #10, they were very understanding. He <br />commended the school board for this. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested taking #26 on attachment 2, which is $140,000 far <br />paving parking lots at the Whitted Center, and the $391,000 from the School Park <br />Reserve Funding, which would be aver $500,000 and it would not interfere with any <br />other project. The parking lots will be paved eventually. <br />Commissioner Carey agreed with this approach. <br />Commissioner Gordon does not think the School Park Reserve Fund should be <br />used far this purpose. <br />John Link said that hopefully sooner than later they can pave these parking lots. <br />He deferred to the Board. <br />Commissioner Foushee suggested paving the parking lot closest to DSS. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he would be interested in the detail on #18 (blue sheet) for <br />flooring replacements of $200,000. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to page 11 and the Parks Operation Base of <br />$230,000 and Donna Dean said that this is 2/3 net debt and it is only pay-as-you-go <br />money on the blue sheet. Chair Jacobs said that this is another one that the Board has <br />not made a decision about. Donna Dean said that they need to look at how they can <br />adjust to free up some of the 213 as pay-as-you-go funds. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about 213 net debt and if some of the funds could <br />be reallocated and Donna Dean said that they would have to take another look at this. <br />Rod Visser said that 213 net debt bonds are supposed to go for County buildings and <br />facilities. This would not work directly for water and sewer lines, so they would have to <br />re-categorize these monies, and they can look at this option further. <br />Jahn Link said that if they redirect funds, they would need to prioritize the <br />projects. <br />Chair Jacobs asked for more information on the Carrboro Library and Donna <br />Dean said this is basically seed money in case something started moving forward with <br />thl5. <br />