Minutes - 20060302
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20060302
Entry Properties
Last modified
8/14/2008 2:15:31 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:39:01 PM
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Agenda - 03-02-2006-
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2006\Agenda - 03-02-2006
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b. Buckhorn Road EDDJCommunity Water/Sewer Project -Project <br />CompletionlTiminq Issues <br />virtue of the County conveying $50,000 in up-front casts for the expansion of the line from 8" to <br />12", they will reduce their usual water rates to the Buckhorn community to $4.50 per thousand <br />gallons. It is estimated that this $50,000 will allow these residents to have reduced charges for <br />five years. The attorneys are working out the details of the agreement. <br />Regarding the County's STAG (State and Tribal Assistance Grant} funding being in <br />danger by reconfiguring the overall Buckhorn Road EDD community and central Efland project, <br />it has been responded to in part by the State. However, as of yesterday, the State has indicated <br />that it wants this response in terms of how the County plans to reconfigure the project in writing. <br />There is a draft letter for the Board to consider (pp. 7-8). The letter makes it clear that the <br />County wants to make sure in writing from the State in a formal letter that the STAG money will <br />not be negatively impacted by this reconfiguration. <br />The recommendation for the Board of County Commissioners tonight is to authorize the <br />Chair to sign this letter when they receive the written assurance by the State in a formal letter <br />that the STAG money will not be in jeopardy by the reconfiguration. <br />John Link said that staff is not receiving an expedited review process from the State <br />and it has been very frustrating. It seems that there is a new question raised everyday. <br />County Engineer Paul Thames said that they would submit a revised set of plans and <br />specs and if the State accepts Mebane's plans for upgrading its system, then they should be <br />advised in approximately five days. The next step would be to advertise the project for bids, <br />take bids, go into construction, etc. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that it is key to get something from Congressman Price's <br />office. She said that they are not finalizing it without a letter from Congressman Price. Paul <br />Thames said that the Board would authorize the letter, but it will not actually be sent until there <br />is assurance from both the State and the Federal offices. <br />John Link said that if they receive satisfactory responses from the State and Federal <br />offices, the Board will authorize the Chair to sign the letter before March 13tH <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve the Manager's recommendation to accept the report as a basis for upcoming decisions <br />on 1) reconfiguring the STAG funded project to separate out the portion that will serve the <br />Gravelly Hill Middle School; and 2} designating utility extension funding sources outside the <br />grant process; and authorize the Chair to sign the letter (Attachment 2) contingent upon 1) <br />written assurance from the StatelCGLS that the actions being taken will not affect the STAG <br />grant, and 2) confirmation from Congressman David Price's office that his office does not <br />believe that the actions being taken will adversely affect the STAG grant. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />a. Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan <br />The Board received a report on the draft Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan. <br />Chair Jacobs said that they had a meeting of this group and the document that will go to <br />the public is different than the one in the agenda packet. The point that was not really <br />discussed at the last meeting was the recommendation part. He made reference to page 80, <br />Area South of Railroad Tracks, and page 80-81, Southeast Portion of Planning Area. He said <br />that he does not want to lead people in the direction that they do not want to go or mislead <br />them, such as growth into areas that are in the critical area of the Seven Mile Creek Basin. He <br />wants to focus on these two items. He made reference to the area south of the railroad tracks <br />and asked if it was the intention that growth would be north of the interstate and Planning <br />Director Craig Benedict said yes. Chair Jacobs asked that this be more specific in the report. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about page 81 and Craig Benedict said that there is an area north of <br />I-85 that is in the critical area of the Eno. The task force suggested that areas north of I-85 <br />
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