Orange County NC Website
NOW THEREFORE, we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, hereby proclaim the <br />week of March 13t" through 17t", 2006, as Severe Weather Awareness Week, <br />and encourage all residents to learn more about severe weather and be aware <br />of its dangers, especially during the spring and summer months. <br />Adopted this 2nd day of March, 2006. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />7. Special Presentations <br />a. Receive Public Comments on Proposal 5 Along with Related Items for a <br />November 2006 Referendum on District Elections for the Board of County <br />Commissioners <br />The Board received public comment on the Board's plan to pursue Proposal 5 along with <br />related items for a November 2006 referendum on district elections far the Board of County <br />Commissioners; to provide the Board with an opportunity to consider the content of a Resolution <br />calling for the referendum; and to give the Board the opportunity to provide comments, question <br />and any further direction to staff. <br />Chair Jacobs said that they had originally intended to hear public comment tonight and <br />then act, but since Commissioner Foushee is not here, they can hear the comments and then <br />take an action at the next meeting. <br />Geof Gledhill said this is a process that had a beginning in January 2005 and there have <br />been a series of meetings and public hearings. The Board of County Commissioners on <br />February 16, 2006 approved Proposal 5, which says that there will be a total of five members on <br />the Board of County Commissioners in the district and at-large plan submitted to the voters. <br />The elections would continue to be partisan and the district map plan would have one member <br />from district 1 (all of the County except Chapel Hill Township}; two members from district 2 <br />(Chapel Hill Township); and two at-large members. Members elected from the districts would <br />have to reside in the districts. They would be nominated from members of their party <br />everywhere in the County and then ultimately elected by all voters in the County. The Board <br />also confirmed that a referendum on Proposal 5 would be presented at a November 2006 <br />referendum. The Board also confirmed that the implementation of the district at-large system <br />would begin at the 2008 primary election. What has not been decided by the Board of County <br />Commissioners, but is presented for consideration tonight, is an implementation or transition <br />plan. He made reference to the map and the data that are available to the public. District 1 has <br />approximately 39,000 people and district 2 contains approximately 76,578 people (based on <br />2000 census data). <br />Chair Jacobs asked if the principles adopted by the County Commissioners were <br />available to the public, and it was answered no. He read some of the principles, which are <br />included in the agenda abstract. <br />Commissioner Gordon said the proposal she came forward with had the possibility of <br />nominating by district (nominating district) or just having people reside in districts (residency <br />district}. She pointed out that the Board of County Commissioners voted 3-2 to make these <br />residency districts, with Commissioners Carey and Gordon voting for nominating districts. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />Artie Franklin lives in Chapel Hill and made reference to page 3, paragraph one of the <br />abstract. He said that he found Commissioner Cordon's suggestions logical, but he hopes that <br />the Board will consider changing the references to the at-large seat to a countywide seat. He <br />thinks that the at-large seat and at-large elections could lead to some confusion. Also, in the <br />