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the urban growth area and which part is the annexation area. There is a very long area <br /> extending into Orange County. She would like to get public comment before the decision on <br /> the annexation boundary is made. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that everything except E-2 was already part of the <br /> agreement with Mebane from 2004 to be part of the economic development district and would <br /> be served by Mebane's sewer and water. <br /> Craig Benedict said that this was correct. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked staff to communicate to the Efland community after the <br /> Board of County Commissioners adopts this agreement that Mebane would not be annexing. <br /> Frank Clifton said that Mebane has expressed no interest in annexing the Efland area. <br /> The costs would exceed the tax revenue. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she still has the same concerns because it defines the <br /> urban growth and annexation area as being all the way past Efland and this has significance <br /> for other agreements. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br /> approve a modified Water and Sewer Service Agreement with the City of Mebane for provision <br /> of water and sewer service in the Buckhorn-Mebane-Efland area and authorize the Chair to <br /> sign. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 6; No, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she voted against this because of her concerns about the <br /> urban growth and annexation boundary. <br /> d. Resolution of Approval — Conservinq Native Wildflowers on Roadways <br /> The Board considered a resolution approving a plan to implement voluntary roadside <br /> management practices that will increase the visibility, enjoyment, and conservation of native <br /> wildflowers along some of the roadways in Orange County and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> Land Conservation Manager Rich Shaw said that over the past few years, the <br /> Commission for the Environment has studied the effect of herbicides in Orange County to <br /> control growth of vegetation along roadsides and in utility easements. It also studied the <br /> adverse effects of herbicides on native plants that also exist. The County Commissioners <br /> made some recommendations regarding the use of herbicides, including recommending an <br /> outright ban on herbicides at one time. The Commission for the Environment has put forth a <br /> new proposal for the Board's consideration. He introduced Johnny Randall, former member of <br /> the Commission for the Environment. He is now Assistant Director of the Botanical Garden in <br /> Chapel Hill. <br /> Johnny Randall made a PowerPoint presentation with pictures of the roadways. He <br /> said that this is not just about wildflowers but the biodiversity of Orange County and the plant <br /> species that require this habitat. He said that the roadsides are now being decimated. He said <br /> that he is hoping that there can be time to characterize these roadsides that have natural <br /> value. There have been some signs put up that say "do not mow or spray." <br /> Commissioner McKee wants to make sure that no "problem species" are reintroduced <br /> because of the problems that they cause for farmers sometimes. He gave the example of <br /> Johnson grass. <br /> Johnny Randall said that these are all plants native to Orange County and are not <br /> weeds. Johnson grass is not a native plant and is a terrible pest. He said that no pest plants <br /> would be introduced. <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />