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whatever is done would include the employees' participation. <br /> c. Modification of Mebane Water and Sewer Service Aqreement for the <br /> Buckhorn-Mebane-Efland Area <br /> The Board considered approving a modified Water and Sewer Service Agreement with <br /> the City of Mebane for provision of water and sewer service in the Buckhorn-Mebane-Efland <br /> area and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> Craig Benedict said that this is a modification of the existing water and sewer service <br /> agreement. He showed the area on a map. The original agreement includes about 1,200 <br /> acres. He went through some of the aspects of the agreement as an update to the County <br /> Commissioners that were not here when it began in 2004. The purpose of the original <br /> agreement was to leverage some money through federal grants to provide sewer to the <br /> Buckhorn community and also to provide water and sewer facilities to Gravelly Hill Middle <br /> School. In order to extend services through Mebane, this agreement was put together. This <br /> would allow 19 residents in the Buckhorn area to not pay the connection charges. The <br /> concepts in the agreement are that it would be possible in the future to send the sewer flow <br /> from the existing area that presently goes to Hillsborough to Mebane instead. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the biggest step in this is Mebane's willingness to accept the <br /> flows out of the Efland area and also the willingness to dedicate capacity in that area. <br /> Commissioner Gordon went to podium to speak because she could not see the map <br /> from her seat. She asked about Exhibit B-2 (Future Land Use Map of Orange County <br /> Comprehensive Plan) and asked if that was controlling land use. <br /> Craig Benedict said that Exhibit B-2 would be controlling land use standards. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to the monitors and said that she cannot see <br /> the map on the monitor but only on the large screen. She asked staff to work on this to correct <br /> the problem. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the only areas on the maps that the City of Mebane would have <br /> land use authority over are the areas where Orange County has extended ETJ authority. The <br /> rest of the areas fall within the County's zoning jurisdiction. He hopes to come back in the fall <br /> and have the Board approve bids for construction of these lines. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the issue of annexation needs to be addressed for the <br /> benefit of people in Efland. <br /> John Roberts said that the prior drafts of the agreement had some language that could <br /> have been interpreted to require some annexation in some areas. However, due to recent <br /> activity in the General Assembly, annexation has been severely curbed for municipalities. <br /> From Mebane's perspective, all annexation going forward will be voluntary only. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to #10 and Reservation of Capacity and asked if <br /> there was anything in this agreement to recover a percentage of the availability fees. <br /> Frank Clifton said that it is really a capacity charge for the County to guarantee capacity <br /> and helps to avoid the capital costs of expansion of plants, lines, etc. As users are added, the <br /> capacity charge will be reduced. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if planning jointly with Mebane would be coming back in <br /> the fall. <br /> Craig Benedict said that there would be conversations in the fall about joint planning. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if this was to be a public process rather than a staff <br /> process. Craig Benedict said yes. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the annexation area and made reference to the <br /> bottom of page 5 and the top of page 6. She said that it is a big deal what the urban growth <br /> and annexation area might be. She said that it seems that this is de facto saying which part is <br />