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Commissioner Jacobs said that he does not think it is enough. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked about the unfunded liabilities for employees. Clarence <br /> Grier said that it is $3 million to fully fund one year of this liability. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if these actions taken tonight affected that $3 million and it <br /> was answered no. He asked if they could reduce that fund by $250,000 and transfer it to <br /> education and Clarence Grier said yes. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he thinks that the County Commissioners can find some <br /> more money for education. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she is willing to go to $65.00 per pupil. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he is concerned about how they are funding the <br /> schools this year, because the more the funding is increased, the greater the divide will be <br /> next year. <br /> Commissioner Foushee agreed with Commissioner Yuhasz and said that the General <br /> Assembly is not filling any gaps. She said that whatever funding is done this year will have to <br /> be a continuing budget next year. There will have to be a tax increase if this funding is <br /> continued next year. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger agreed with Commissioner Foushee's concerns. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that the revaluation has been put off for two years, and the <br /> County is still facing the possibility that property values may decrease and taxes will have to be <br /> raised. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the County has the highest fund balance in its history <br /> and has set aside $3 million for the post-employment health insurance, but the legislature is <br /> attacking education. He said that now is the time to use the rainy day fund. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that the County Commissioners need to take into consideration that <br /> through the last few years they did not cut operation budgets for the schools at all. She said <br /> that the County cannot fill all of the gaps in state funding cuts. She said that the school boards <br /> also have fund balances that they can use. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he wants to get as much value as possible for every <br /> dollar spent on education. He said that this amount of money from the reserve fund is not a <br /> huge amount of money. He would like to see the additional $65 per pupil. <br /> Frank Clifton clarified that this included taking money out of the post-employment <br /> insurance. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz verified that all of the additional funding could be taken out of <br /> the fund balance without affecting the fund balance target. <br /> Commissioner Foushee suggested an intent to support an increase in the per-pupil <br /> allocation of$65.00 if the remaining monies are taken from the County's fund balance and that <br /> the post employment reserve stays at $3 million. <br /> The Board agreed. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he is not very enthusiastic about this because of the <br /> expectations that will be raised for next year. <br /> • Tax Rate Decisions <br /> The Board agreed on the following tax rates, which were the same rates as last year, <br /> unless otherwise noted: <br /> i. Ad Valorem Tax- 85.8 <br /> ii. Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Special District Tax- 18.84 <br />