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Dave Landicina said that this plan is just a starting point and it will continue to grow and <br /> serve the whole Triangle. He spoke in support of the referendum. <br /> David Neal is a resident of Hillsborough and is an attorney. He is also a member of <br /> Durham/Orange Friends of Transit and also a member of the Orange County Commission for <br /> the Environment. He reminded the County Commissioners of a memo from the Commissioner <br /> for the Environment sent to the County Commissioners on April 16th endorsing the referendum. <br /> He said that this transit plan will result in a lower greenhouse gas emissions and lower sprawl. <br /> It will help preserve the rural character because the growth will be around the transit. <br /> Chapel Hill Town Council Member Penny Rich said that she encouraged the County <br /> Commissioners to bring this to the citizens and let them vote on it in November. She spoke <br /> about the Phoenix, Arizona metro system, which was created through a regional transportation <br /> plan that involved a '/�-cent sales tax approved by the voters in 2000. She encouraged the <br /> Board to put this on the ballot. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to close the public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 7. Reqular Aqenda <br /> a. Oranqe County Transit Plan and Related Aqreement <br /> The Board considered adoption of the Orange County Transit Plan and approval of the <br /> Implementing Agreement and if approved, authorized the Chair to sign. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that the implementation agreement is for comments only. She does <br /> not expect any decisions on this agreement tonight. She asked that Triangle Transit give a <br /> summary of changes made from the original plan from last week. <br /> Patrick McDonough said that the elements of the transit plan remain in the plan. He <br /> said that they received many comments from the County Commissioners and they released <br /> these changes on May 23�d. He made reference to page 25 and a request from Commissioner <br /> McKee to clarify the debt. The last two bullets in section VI were modified slightly. He said <br /> that the debt service remains at $19.2 million, but the amount borrowed is $25 million. Also, <br /> on page 23, sections B and C, there was a minor typographical error and $787,000 is the <br /> correct amount. In section C, the amount was changed from $330,000 to $338,000. <br /> He made reference to Appendix A and the page with three pie charts. The middle pie <br /> chart, there were some rounding issues, and these were corrected. <br /> Commissioner McKee made reference to page 25 and the bullet on Hillsborough inner <br /> city rail. He said that Orange County picks up the 10% local match. Patrick McDonough said <br /> that this is correct, but it just needs to be put in the right place in the document. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that this is Orange County's plan and should reflect Orange <br /> County's obligations. Patrick McDonough pointed out Appendix A and the asterisks at the <br /> bottom, which reflects this. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that this is misleading. <br /> Chair Pelissier suggested that when the plan is discussed that this issue be discussed <br /> at that time. <br /> Commissioner Gordon clarified that there is a replacement page for her handout. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Kathy Andrews said that there will be people who lose their property because of the <br /> proposed rail line. She said that she does not believe that this is a truly local endeavor. She <br />