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John Roberts said that#8 would not apply to Durham County, but only people crossing <br /> through a recreational facility to access remote areas. <br /> Commissioner McKee echoed Commissioner Yuhasz's statements about transparency <br /> of this issue. He said that item 8 acknowledged reality that there are remote trails in these <br /> parks and where concealed weapons could and should be appropriate. He will vote against <br /> this if item 8 is removed. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that this is a partnership with Durham and to enact this and <br /> expect people to know when they are crossing the county line is not reasonable. <br /> Discussion ensued about the inclusion of#8 and John Roberts said that part of this <br /> amendment includes placing signs at the recreation areas referencing the ordinance. <br /> VOTE: (Commissioner Jacobs's motion with deletion of# 8) Ayes, 3 (Commissioner Jacobs, <br /> Commissioner Hemminger, and Commissioner Gordon); Nays, 4 <br /> MOTION DEFEATED <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br /> amend the Orange County Code of Ordinances by adopting the Resolution of Amendment to <br /> prohibit the carrying of concealed weapons on certain Orange County property and authorize <br /> the Chair to sign the resolution. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 4; Nays, 3 (Commissioner Jacobs. Commissioner Gordon, and Commissioner <br /> Hemminger) <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> RESOLUTION OF AMENDMENT <br /> A RESOLUTION AMENDING CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE V SECTIONS 18-151 <br /> THROUGH 18-155 OF THE ORANGE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES <br /> Be it Resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Orange County, North Carolina: <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County, through ordinance, has prohibited the carrying of weapons, <br /> concealed or non-concealed, on Orange County-owned property; and <br /> WHEREAS, in 2011 the General Assembly of North Carolina expanded the ability of <br /> concealed carry permittees to carry concealed weapons statewide with few exceptions; and <br /> WHEREAS, the General Assembly simultaneously authorized local governments to restrict and <br /> prohibit the carrying of concealed weapons on certain local government-owned property; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Orange County, believing it to be in the best <br /> interest of the citizens and residents of Orange County, have determined that weapons <br /> whether concealed or non-concealed should not be carried on certain Orange County-owned <br /> property; <br />