Orange County NC Website
I had a couple of questions of clarification on item 7-c regarding the parking deck settlement. <br /> The stated value of the deck is given as $2,900,000. What is the assessed valuation of the <br /> deck? The reason I ask is that I thought the value was something just under $600,000. Could <br /> you explain where the $2.9 million value came from? Also, was the approximately $600 K <br /> value what is listed on the tax rolls, or the appraised value, or what? <br /> The resolution states that the county leases approximately 200 parking spaces but does not <br /> give the terms. How many more years remain on the lease? <br /> Thank you. <br /> Alice Gordon <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that until tonight he did not know if he was going to vote for <br /> this or not. He thinks that the County takes things out of sync in the budget process. He <br /> agrees that there might be better uses for this money. He does not agree with committing <br /> another $1 million before making the primary budget decisions. He wants to make sure that <br /> the County has done everything it can to resolve these differences, so he cannot support this <br /> item. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 5; Nays, 2 (Commissioner Gordon and Commissioner Jacobs) <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to convey to Hillsborough that the County <br /> is attempting to address the outstanding parking issues and to mend the fences. He would like <br /> to have a declarative letter from John Roberts and solicit from the Town a response. <br /> John Roberts said that he has already done this and he has spoken with the Town <br /> Attorney several times and they are aware the County is considering purchase, which will <br /> resolve all outstanding issues. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked when this would go into effect. John Roberts said that the <br /> closing should happen fairly quickly, within the next couple of weeks. <br /> d. Recommendations from the Emerqency Services Workqroup for VIPER <br /> Radio Svstem Improvements and Communication Svstem Improvements <br /> The Board received recommendations from the Emergency Services Workgroup for <br /> VIPER Radio System Improvements and Communication System Improvements included in <br /> the Capital Investment Plan for Fiscal Year 2012-13 and incorporate the recommendation as <br /> appropriate into the approval of the Fiscal Year 2012-13 Annual Budget. <br /> Michael Talbert said that this is the first of three items from the Emergency Services <br /> Work Group. He reviewed the requested improvements. The purchase of these items will be <br /> spread out over five years at $128,000 per year. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> receive the recommendations from the Emergency Services Workgroup for VIPER Radio <br /> System, OSSI- CAD Replacement, and 800 mHz radios included in the Capital Investment <br /> Plan for Fiscal Year 2012-13 and incorporate the recommendation as appropriate into the <br /> approval of the Fiscal Year 2012-13 Annual Budget. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />