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Watershed (CUPCCW). I respectfully request that the written statement I am about to read be <br /> recorded in tonight's minutes. <br /> For over a year Cane Creek area residents have attempted to receive information identifying <br /> the path of an OWASA/Cane Creek recreational trail proposed by Orange County Land <br /> Management (OCLM) staff, and Friends of the Mountain to Sea Trail (FMST). We eventually <br /> learned that the trail is proposed on OWASA land adjacent to property and residences on <br /> Apple Mill Road, Mt. Mitchell Road and Thunder Mt. <br /> Cane Creek community efforts to work with OCLM and FMST have met with minimal <br /> responsiveness. The expressed concerns of Cane Creek area residents have clearly not been <br /> in the forefront of the planning for the proposed OWASA/Cane Creek segment of the trail. <br /> Given the lack of response by OCLM and FMST to concerns expressed regarding the <br /> placement of the proposed OWASA/Cane Creek trail members of our communities formed <br /> CUPCCW. <br /> The purpose of the group is to engage the Board of County Commissioners, Orange County <br /> Land Management, NCDENR and FMST in dialogue regarding this matter. <br /> Representatives of our group have interacted with all of the above entities and met with most <br /> of the Orange County Commissioners. We want to thank you for your time and interest. <br /> While the MST is in concept a valuable idea, the placement of specific segments of the trail <br /> should not infringe upon nearby residents basic rights such as privacy, security and in this <br /> instance protection of the Cane Creek watershed. <br /> Given that MST Executive Director has publically stated that hikers have walked the entire <br /> MST from the mountains to the sea the need for the proposed MST Cane Creek/ OWASA <br /> segment is entirely unnecessary for the goal of the MST organization to be achieved. <br /> Tonight, we respectfully ask the Board of County Commissioners to open a dialog on the <br /> proposed routing of the MST through Bingham Township. <br /> We hope that once the Board fully reviews the situation the Board will agree with CUPCCW <br /> that the proposed OWASA/Cane Creek segment presents unacceptable and unnecessary <br /> risks to Cane Creek area residents and compromises the protection of the Cane Creek <br /> Reservoir, a major water supply for greater Chapel Hill. <br /> We specifically request that the Board require OCLM staff to stop working on the proposed <br /> OWASA/Cane Creek segment and that this segment be removed from further consideration. <br /> We ask the Board to advise OCLM to focus on segments of the MST in other parts of Orange <br /> County allowing the exploration of viable alternatives to the proposed OWASA/Cane Creek <br /> segment. <br /> We understand that OCLM staff and FMST have scheduled an educational meeting on the <br /> MST for the end of June. This meeting will be helpful for individuals who seek general <br /> information about the trail. <br />