Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Gordon went through the emails exchanged between her and John <br /> Roberts. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that the owner of the sculpture is willing to do what is <br /> necessary regarding the ownership, etc. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> attempt to leave the sculpture in its current location. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz amended his motion to say "if the County purchases the parking <br /> deck." <br /> Commissioner Jacobs agreed. <br /> Frank Clifton suggested making this sculpture a condition of the purchase. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 6; No, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz <br /> to approve a resolution regarding settlement with Eno River Parking Deck, LLC, by approving <br /> the Chair to sign the resolution authorizing the exchange of properties, valued at $580,000 <br /> pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 160A-271 to purchase the Eno River Parking Deck; <br /> approve budget amendment#9-B for the appropriation of$1,000,000 from the General Fund's <br /> fund balance for the cash payment; and authorize the County Manager and Chair to execute <br /> all necessary documents to effectuate the settlement and property exchange and the <br /> exchange of properties, and to approve Budget Amendment#9-B and authorize the Chair to <br /> sign. <br /> Commissioner Gordon read a statement about why she is voting against this item: <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she would be voting against this item for the following reasons: <br /> 1. The County already has a lease for 200 parking spaces in the parking deck, at the cost <br /> of$1 per year for each space, and the lease has 37 years remaining. The 200 parking <br /> spaces area all that the county needs. <br /> 2. The cost is too high, especially at a time when the county has many financial <br /> constraints. The assessed value of the deck is $595, 473 while the assessed value of <br /> the two county buildings is $450,000 and $130,000 for a total of$580,000. There <br /> amounts are roughly equivalent. Paying an additional $1 million is unwise, in my <br /> opinion, and particularly since the money could be used for many worthy projects, <br /> including school funding. <br /> 3. An exchange of buildings means that there will be no proceeds from a sale of these two <br /> buildings which can be put into a fund for the Southwest Library and for older schools, <br /> as BOCC policy would otherwise mandate. <br /> Please make these comments part of the minutes along with the email messages below from <br /> the county attorney which provided background information: <br /> The number of leased spaces is 200 @ $1/year plus half of the approximately $50k/year in <br /> maintenance costs. <br /> John L. Roberts <br /> Orange County Attorney <br /> -----Original Message----- <br /> From: Alice Gordon (mailto:qordon.alice(c�qmail.coml <br /> Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 10:00 AM <br />