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1 and said that it would be funding levels as of August 1, 2009. These numbers will be <br /> plugged in later. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that on page 3 there are also some blank spaces. John <br /> Roberts said that some of those numbers will need to come from Triangle Transit. <br /> John Roberts said that Triangle Transit has not had a chance to give comments on this <br /> plan yet and there will probably be substantial changes to the document. He suggested not <br /> spending more time on this tonight. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that she just wanted to hear initial general comments. <br /> Page 8, section 6a - What is the meaning of the words "with an advisory recommendation"? <br /> Does it mean "after receiving an advisory recommendation"? If so, the latter wording would be <br /> clearer. Th� I�tt�r i� �I��r�r �nd it �ill b� �h�n��de <br /> Page 8, section 7a - I believe the "core plan" is now being called the "local plan" or something <br /> similar. Also, please check the wording on page 28 of the BRI Plan (IX. Alternative Plan) and <br /> determine whether that wording provides enough direction concerning how the alternative plan <br /> will be developed. Th� t�rrr� `d�lt�rn�ti�� �I�n" �nd � r�f�r�n�� to th� �I �I�n ���tion �r� <br /> �r�f�r�bl�e I do not �i�� th� ��r��r��h in th� �I �� �uffi�i�nt b���u�� it ��t� no <br /> ��r�rr��t�r�e <br /> Page 9, section 10a (2) - It is stated that Orange transportation staff and/or the Orange <br /> County Transit Plan Partnership may recommend amendments to the BRI Plan. If the BOCC <br /> wished to make an amendment on its own initiative, would it be allowed to do that according to <br /> this document? Th� �� or TT�s �� ��rti�� to th� ��r��rr��nts rr��� r�c�u��t �rr��ndrr��nt� <br /> �t �n� tirr��e <br /> Frank Clifton made reference to page 5 and the operating hours for OPT at $58/hour. <br /> He said that these are older numbers that did not include overhead for administration. There <br /> will be a third party analysis of this to make sure the numbers are accurate. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked about item 6-b on page 8 and why this is included <br /> because it is redundant. <br /> A motion was made by Chair Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger to refer <br /> this agreement to staff to work over the summer, getting other comments from partners and <br /> coming back with agreed modifications on August 21 St <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if this includes what the Board already agreed on <br /> regarding the super majority and board composition. <br /> The Board agreed to include these modifications in the motion. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Decision on Placement of a Half-Percent Sales Tax Referendum for Public <br /> Transportation on the November 2012 Elections Ballot <br /> The Board considered a decision on the placement of a '/2 - percent sales tax <br /> referendum on the November 2012 ballot as a funding source for implementing the Bus and <br /> Rail Investment Plan in Orange County. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he is going to vote against this and he asked that any <br /> approval of placing a referendum on the ballot be contingent upon approving the <br /> implementation agreement. <br />