Orange County NC Website
The BOCC wishes to note that, even though not all of the stipulations in the BOCC transit plan <br /> motion of May 15 were addressed, the BOCC wishes to move the BRI Plan forward at this <br /> time, in the manner stated above. <br /> NOTE: The above attachments (LRT Reference Map and Rail Investment Cost Sharing <br /> Agreement Charts) are included in the agenda materials and are hereby included by reference <br /> in these minutes. <br /> Commissioner McKee seconded this motion above for purposes of discussion. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked John Roberts why this implementation agreement was <br /> important. <br /> John Roberts said that the implementation agreement is not mandated by statute. He <br /> does not think that it delays anything. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked Financial Services Director Clarence Grier if he had <br /> enough information and he said that he just received the financials today and he has not had a <br /> chance to read it. <br /> Chair Pelissier suggested looking at each component of the motion. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the public needs to understand that the County <br /> Commissioners have already had the discussion of approving this plan in principle as <br /> presented. She said that the County Commissioners need to figure out how best to move <br /> forward. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that, in looking at this motion, it is as understandable as the <br /> plan itself. He said that this is no criticism of Commissioner Gordon but he does not know <br /> what this motion says or what the plan says. He said that this started as a regional plan and <br /> still is a regional plan. He said that they are putting all of their transit eggs in this basket that is <br /> so heavily weighted to light rail. He said that the plan is too expensive and provides too little <br /> overall service. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that she does not have a problem with the motion, but it does not <br /> help the public understand the plan any better. She thinks that the plan is understandable. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that the County Commissioners did look at ways to <br /> protect Orange County from unforeseen circumstances. She said that this will be tweaked <br /> over the years and she thinks the concept works. She thinks that it is time to take it to the <br /> voters. <br /> Commissioner Foushee said that she agreed with Commissioner Hemminger and this <br /> plan will only go forward if the public decides to vote for it. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he can imagine a future without light rail, where the <br /> attention is on bus rapid transit and commuter rail. He realizes that eventually light rail will be <br /> a component, as in 2050-2060. He made reference to a survey that was done of citizens <br /> where transportation was #5 at 4.5%. The actual number of people that would use light rail <br /> often was at 7.7%. One of the problems for him is the lack of a definitive implementation plan. <br /> He said that this should be a comprehensive process and not a piece meal plan. He said that <br /> the moment the County approves the plan, it loses the ability to negotiate the rest of it. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs acknowledged the publicly spirited people that guided them <br /> through this process. He also thanked Chair Pelissier and Commissioner Gordon who have <br /> worked diligently on transit issues, and especially Commissioner Gordon who worked on this <br /> proposed motion. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that even though Wake County does not want to move this <br /> forward though there are some issues to resolve, he thinks that this is a time for the County to <br />