Orange County NC Website
A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hemminger to approve the legal advertisement for items to be presented at the joint Board of <br /> county Commissioners/Planning Board Quarterly Public Hearing scheduled for May 29, 2012. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 6; No, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br /> 6. Public Hearinqs <br /> a. Review of Proposed UDO Text Amendment(s) — Telecommunications <br /> The Board considered the Planning Board recommendation, closed the public hearing, <br /> and considered making a decision on a Planning Director-initiated Unified Development <br /> Ordinance text amendment relating to the permitting of telecommunication facilities. <br /> Michael Harvey said that this is a continuation of a public hearing. The proposed <br /> amendments include: <br /> 1. Increasing the height of a tower that can be reviewed by the Board of Adjustment of <br /> less than 200'. <br /> 2. Increasing clarity and removing redundancies in UDO text. <br /> The Planning Board recommended unanimously that this item be approved. There was <br /> a request from a citizen that the notification for balloon tests be increased from 1,000 to 2,000 <br /> feet. The staff believes that 1,000 feet is sufficient, but will ask the County Commissioners for <br /> feedback. <br /> Michael Harvey said that there are also signs posted on the property to notify about the <br /> balloon test. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Jeremy Browner said that he is in support of this text amendment. He would like to <br /> bring high-speed internet to rural Orange County. He said that he saw some potential conflicts <br /> for the future. He made reference to 5.10.6, Administrative Approval of Certain <br /> Telecommunication Facilities, and said that this is not up for discussion tonight so it will not be <br /> changed. This was on page 15. He said that this says that if someone wanted to put an <br /> antenna on County property, the County would require that Emergency Services would have to <br /> have access to the antenna. He said that this would take away a much needed source of <br /> revenue from a new company that could come in on the antenna. He also made reference to <br /> page 26, `d', and read, "all towers shall be engineered to allow for co-locations. No co-locator <br /> shall be refused access for co-location by charging exorbitant lease fees. Public safety <br /> provider co-locations shall take priority over other co-locators." He said that he was told by <br /> people in the tower industry that to locate equipment for high-speed internet is substantially <br /> less expensive than to build one for a co-location. This is also a deterrent to high-speed <br /> internet in the County. He also pointed out item `k' on the same page, which requires that all <br /> towers be placed in heavily wooded areas. This seems to deter the usage of topography for <br /> the best use. He supports this amendment. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked Mr. Browner to email his concerns to the Board of County <br /> Commissioners and copy the Clerk on his emails. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to pages 15-16 and Administrative Approval of <br /> Certain Telecommunication Facilities. She is concerned about#3 and changing the height <br />