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(These matters were considered when the Board addressed that item on the agenda <br /> below.) <br /> 3. Petitions by Board Members <br /> Chair Pelissier said that there has been a Chapel Hill 2020 Comprehensive Plan <br /> process and she said that there has been discussion about issues that may not be familiar to <br /> the Board of County Commissioners and she would like to ask someone from Chapel Hill to <br /> make a presentation to the Board before the summer break. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz arrived at 7:08 PM. <br /> 4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/Special Presentations <br /> a. Older Americans Month Proclamation <br /> The Board considered approving a proclamation joining Federal and State <br /> governments in designating the month of May as Older Americans Month and authorizing the <br /> Chair to sign. <br /> Department on Aging Director Janice Tyler read the proclamation: <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> Proclamation <br /> Older Americans Month — May 2012 <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County is a community that includes over 20,000 residents aged 60 and <br /> older and this population is the fastest growing segment of Orange County's population; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County is committed to helping all individuals maintain their health and <br /> independence in later life; and <br /> WHEREAS, the older adults in Orange County have an important role in sharing knowledge, <br /> wisdom, and understanding of the history of our community through interactions with children, <br /> youth, and adults from other generations; and <br /> WHEREAS, the fruits of knowledge and experience can be effectively transferred from <br /> generation to generation through meaningful social interactions; and <br /> WHEREAS, their interactions with family, friends, and neighbors across generations enrich the <br /> lives of everyone involved; and <br /> WHEREAS, our community can provide opportunities to enrich residents young and old by: <br /> • Emphasizing the value of including elders in public and family life; <br /> • Creating opportunities for older Americans to interact with people of different <br /> generations; and <br /> • Providing services, technologies, and support systems that allow older adults to <br /> participate in social activities in the community; <br />