Orange County NC Website
WHEREAS, this 2012 amendment to the 2004 utility service agreement reflects the joint <br />interest of continuing this utility partnership to other expanded unincorporated areas in <br />Orange County along with areas that may at some point become part of incorporated <br />Mebane City limits within Orange County. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein <br />contained agree as follows: <br />Service area. <br />a. 2004 Agreement. The area to be served includes areas designated <br />"Commercial /Industrial node" on the Orange County Land Use Plan <br />located on the south of 1- 85/1 -40 and a portion of the 1- 85/Buckhom <br />Road Economic Development District. Said areas are identified as <br />``1a ", "lb ", "2a ", and "3" on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A, said <br />map being incorporated herein by reference. A portion of the service <br />area (in proximity to Buckhorn Road and north and south of the <br />interstate) thus created contains a number of existing residential <br />structures and one or more churches presently served by well and septic <br />systems, which will be eligible to be connected to the public water and <br />sewer systems that were the object of the initial 2004 agreement. <br />b. 2012 Agreement. The existing and new areas are identified with a new <br />numbering scheme as shown on the map and associated table on the <br />revised map as attached hereto as Exhibit B -1 (2012 revision), said map <br />being incorporated herein by reference and used for implementation of <br />this new combined area agreement. <br />c. The Parties will work jointly to identify common land uses in the <br />Economic Development District, Commercial Industrial Areas and the <br />Service Area as shown in Exhibit B -2 as may be amended from time to <br />time. <br />2. Construction of facilities. Orange County shall, at no expense to the City of <br />Mebane, be responsible for the construction of necessary water mains, <br />sewer outfall lines and lift stations necessary to service the areas described <br />above based upon agreement of the City and County. Connections to the <br />existing City systems will be made at points mutually agreeable to the <br />parties. The County shall be responsible for securing the necessary permits, <br />encroachment agreements, and approvals for the project from any <br />regulatory agencies as shall be applicable. The City agrees to cooperate and <br />assist the County as requested in the securing of said permits, approvals, <br />and encroachment agreements. All such lines and facilities shall be <br />constructed to existing City of Mebane standards. Plans and specifications <br />shall be reviewed and approved by the City of Mebane City Engineer prior <br />to awarding contracts for construction. <br />3. Ownership and Maintenance. Upon completion of the improvements <br />described above, County shall by appropriate agreement or instrument <br />transfer maintenance and ownership of same and any easements or lift <br />stations sites to the City of Mebane. From and after said transfer, the City <br />-2— <br />Final Version — Approved 6/19/12 Orange County Board of Commissioners, 7/9/12 Mebane City Council <br />