Minutes - 20060223
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20060223
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8/14/2008 2:16:40 PM
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8/13/2008 2:38:43 PM
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Agenda - 02-23-2006-abstract
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Commissioner Gordon said that it should be investigated for the passibility of a <br />neighborhood park. There would have to be an access. <br />Chair Jacobs verified that this is Habitat's initiative and not the Town's. This suggestion <br />will be conveyed to Habitat. <br />Brian Lowen said that all of them support this project. His concern is that the Town <br />Board wants to annex that property. He said that this area and other areas that abut the town <br />limits are really bad, in that there are run dawn trailers, garbage strewn around, etc. Since it is <br />not in their jurisdiction, they cannot send their code enforcement officer out there to do anything <br />about it. This troubles him because when Habitat tries to sell these homes, if that section of <br />Tulip Tree is not cleaned up, no one will buy the homes. He wants the Tawn to work with the <br />County to help control the garbage that is around there. <br />Geof Gledhill said that the County has regulations that would help with this, except they <br />are in the land use plan regulations and the County does not have land use plan jurisdiction in <br />this area. <br />Craig Benedict said that the County does have land use zoning regulations and they <br />could look at the regulations to find out if there are excerpts or some standards that <br />Hillsborough could adopt within its jurisdiction. The County can amend its regulations also. The <br />Town and the County could jointly look at the best zoning enforcement regulations. <br />Discussion ensued about how to enforce the regulations. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis suggested having the County and the Town Attorneys sit down <br />together and figure out how to make this happen and not let it became another Hoyle King <br />matter. Both Boards agreed. <br />gj Town Public Works Facility Siting <br />by Temporary Solid Waste Convenience Center <br />Rod Visser said that the lease for the solid waste convenience center on Highway 57 is <br />expiring on April 1 ~, but the owner of the property has agreed to extend the lease on a bi- <br />monthly basis. In the meantime, the County is looking for permanent and temporary solutions. <br />Chair Jacobs pointed out that anything the County does will be with full community <br />knowledge and participation. One of the sites will help Hillsborough clear for its Public Works <br />facility. The County Commissioners want to confirm that this would indeed help Hillsborough. <br />Eric Peterson said yes. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that they asked for a survey to see how many Hillsborough <br />residents that are using the 57 center and there are a lot of residents. It is also a Town issue, <br />and he suggested doing something combined. <br />2. Planning & Inspections <br />aj Courtesy ReviewlPlanning Process <br />Craig Benedict said that the courtesy review process has been working well. The County <br />has been providing comments in various categories -transportation, senior citizen services, <br />etc. He thinks that there could be some improvement in the communication about annexation <br />proposals. The County has been getting calls from residents that have been approached by <br />future developers of land presently in Orange County and they ask him what is going on and he <br />has no idea. He suggested adding annexation feasibility analyses to the courtesy review <br />process. <br />Chair Jacobs would also like to add that the Town's fiscal analysis might be augmented <br />by the County's fiscal analysis. For example, the changing of housing types at Waterstone has <br />implications on school capacity. <br />
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