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presented the best estimate of the additional cost of making the transition. This was not the <br />budget number. After that meeting, it was clear that the County Commissioners were expecting <br />the staff to work harder at coming up with a reduced budget. He made reference to page two <br />and said that most of the $152,000 is not actually being cut but is in the CIP. He said that these <br />are examples of reducing the cast or redirecting the cost from the operating budget to the <br />capital budget. He said that he believes strongly in this transition and that it would be in the <br />best interest to the County long-term. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that this speaks about a $152,000 reduction in the <br />proposed division budget. He asked far an explanation of how much new money it is going to <br />take to make this transition. Rod Visser said that they have not looked at this again for how it <br />might be addressed in the 2006-2007 budget. The numbers from last year were in the ballpark <br />of about $273,000, and this was broken down into three categories: $173,000 was additional <br />casts regardless of the transition; $80,000 for referring costs; and $20,000 far one-time costs. <br />This will need to be refined as part of the 2006-2007 budget. <br />Commissioner Halkiatis said that he cannot give an honest answer that he agrees with <br />this. He wants to know what the $173,000 includes. <br />Rod Visser said that this was just a presentation of what has happened sa far. They <br />will be bringing it back fully for consideration at a later time with updated numbers. <br />Chair Jacobs said that Commissioner Halkiotis' point is that they still need the full <br />historical context. He asked for this information by March 15tH <br />b. BOCC Questions: Buckhorn Road EDDICommunity WaterlSewer Protect - <br />Project CompletionlTiming Issues <br />John Link said that this is goad news that is happening almost by the hour. The issues <br />are as follows: Mebane has to respond to the State's requirements on a lift station on Industrial <br />Drive; Mebane must improve a 1,200-foot sewer line from 8" to 12"; and the County needed <br />answers from the State about being able to use the federal grant money for the <br />BuckhornlCentral Efland area that is close to the school section of the sewer line. The overall <br />topic is haw to effectively get the water and sewer lines to Gravelly Hill Middle School in time <br />sufficient for it to open in August. They are keeping the Superintendent informed daily and they <br />are trying to keep the school board and the County Commissioners informed in writing. <br />He said that the way that they can accomplish the final goal of getting the water and <br />sewer ready for the school to open in August is based on pursuing the following major steps: <br />First, Mebane has to respond to the State's request for modeling data, confirming that their lift <br />station on Industrial Drive is sufficient for the school use and also for other uses expected in the <br />EDD. This is being done by Mebane and should be accomplished in the next few days. <br />Secondly, the 1,200-foot section of gravity sewer line is going to be a requirement of the State <br />to be expanded from 8" to 12", and this is estimated to cost $100,000. It could be higher. In <br />discussions with the Manager of Mebane and the Town Engineer, they agreed to work on an <br />agreement that the County will convey $50,000 toward the improvement and in return, Mebane <br />would only charge $4.25 per thousand gallons to citizens in the Buckhorn area to use this <br />system, compared to $8.50 per thousand gallons. When the agreement is reached, then <br />Mebane can let the State know and the State will permit the project for Grange County. Then <br />the Board of County Commissioners would need to address the capital improvement plan <br />provision whereby they would need to expend $1.6 million for the water and sewer section for <br />the school. This would be upfront pay-as-you-go funding and the federal grant money would be <br />used for the Buckhorn/Central Efland sections of the project. He hopes to come back as scan <br />as next Monday evening with the points of Mebane agreeing to the State to take care of the <br />increased sewer line and the State allowing the project to proceed. <br />