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Chair Jacobs asked about the Project Planning Committee (Chapel HiIIIOrange County <br />PPC) and if this was the Southern Park and Aquatic Center group and Commissioner Gordon <br />said yes. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that there are a number of boards and commissions <br />calendars that conflict with the Board of County Commissioners' calendar and they have not <br />resolved this conflict. Some boards are mandated and are autonomous, but most are not and <br />boards may get angry if they do not have a County Commissioner member or liaison come. <br />There are too many conflicts. He wants to figure out how to get people to buy into the County <br />Commissioners' calendar. He said that the County Commissioners are not full-time employees <br />but the calendar is full from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. He said that he continues to respectfully <br />protest the boards and commissions calendars on behalf of all of the County Commissioners. <br />The Southern Orange Senior Center Design Committee is finished and can be taken <br />off the list. <br />Commissioner Gordon thanked Commissioner Halkiotis for what he said but she does <br />not have two things scheduled at the same time. She has a lot of meetings, but they do not <br />conflict. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis suggested going through the list again and taking out those <br />boards and commissions that are finished with their work. <br />The Clerk will update the list. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested having a calendar showing all of the boards on a <br />matrix so that the conflicts are seen. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the proposed amendment to the Volunteer <br />resolution and suggested a change in language as follows: "This amendment would only affect <br />County created boards." <br />Geof Gledhill suggested saying "An alternate may participate unless the number of <br />Commissioners attending is a quorum of the Board of County Commissioners." <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />adopt the text as amended by Geof Gledhill. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />The updated list will come back March 21St. The Clerk will also bring back individual <br />Commissioner lists of the boards and commissions on which each Commissioner serves. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Foushee <br />to approve the list of boards and commissions as amended. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />10. Reports <br />a. History of Preparations for Sanitation Division Transition for Public Works <br />Department to Solid Waste Management Department <br />The Board reviewed the 2005-06 budget discussions regarding the proposed <br />reassignment of the County's Sanitation Division from the Public Works Department to the Solid <br />Waste Management Department. <br />John Link said that last May 5t" the County Commissioners had as part of the work <br />session the initial proposal by staff that the Board consider the transfer of the Sanitation Division <br />of Public Works to the Solid Waste Management Department. The rationale for that is that they <br />believe that all functions related to solid waste would be best served being under the umbrella <br />of one department. He thinks that this is reinforced by the fact that they are trying to address <br />replacing ar finding new solid waste convenience centers. They also may be franchising direct <br />service for solid waste pickup from individual homes. He said that on May 5t" the staff <br />