Orange County NC Website
The study group is also reviewing open space issues and they have the draft <br />plan. They will be meeting on February 28t" to talk about the final draft. They hope to <br />have a community meeting in mid-March. <br />There will be recommendations coming from the task force that will be able to tie <br />into recommendations for the land use plan update coming up in May. <br />Also, the Transfer of Development Rights Task Force has representatives of the <br />Efland community, and this area would be a receiving area, which is an area where they <br />believe could accommodate more growth because of public water and sewer systems <br />and better transportation systems. <br />7. Confirmation of Public Hearing Notice and Establishment of Public Hearing <br />Date for Debt Service Financing <br />Rod Visser said that the Board of County Commissioners set the public hearing <br />far March 2°d and the intent was to come back at this meeting and firm up the language <br />of the advertisement, which needs to go out this weekend. He suggested removing <br />references to individual project amounts. All that has to be done to meet the <br />requirements is to state a "not to exceed" amount. <br />Rod Visser said that the total debt service payments remain within the <br />constraints, and they are acting an the Local Government Commission's advice. <br />Chair Jacobs clarified that the Board was being asked to vote on the language, <br />"not to exceed $24,000,000" and Rod Visser said that they would strike individual project <br />amounts. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carey to approve the language "borrow an amount not to exceed $24,ao0,0o0"and <br />leave off the individual estimated costs, approve the final text of the notice for the March <br />2, 2006 public hearing, and authorize the Clerk to publish the public hearing notice. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she needs to know the numbers by March 2"d <br />before she can vote and Ken Chavious said that he would like to have those numbers by <br />then too. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />With no further items to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. <br />Barry Jacobs, Chair <br />Donna S. Baker <br />Clerk to the Board <br />