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Paul Thames referred to the foldout map with the abstract. He said that the area <br />that they were talking about taking out of the project if they go to a non-grant funded <br />pracess, is the area along Buckhorn Road, the section between I-85 and the railroad. <br />The entirety of the project was the northern Buckhorn section, the People for Progress <br />area, the school, the EDD, and central Efland (Phase I-B}. The project was split by <br />taking out central Efland to accelerate the school, and now they are reconfiguring the <br />grant to pay for the school outside the grant pracess and make the grant project be the <br />north Buckhorn and central Efland area. This preserves the portion of the grant that <br />addresses environmental justice. The environmental justice portion of the grant, People <br />for Progress, has to stay with the grant. <br />Chair Jacobs asked Planning Director Craig Benedict if there was any other <br />significant change in the map besides the fact that the proposed McGowan Creek <br />subdivision is different. Craig Benedict said that the two projects that have been built <br />recently are Ashwick and Richmond Hills subdivisions. These are in the existing public <br />water and sewer. The proposed McGowan Creek subdivision is now an exempt <br />subdivision without public water and sewer. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the costs of each of the portions. Paul <br />Thames said that the sewer part for the Buckhorn EDD1Gravely Hill Middle School <br />portion is approximately $1 million and the sewer part for the other North Buckhorn Road <br />portion is $425,000. The cost of sewer for the third portion for Central Efland is <br />approximately $2 million. <br />Chair Jacobs verified that central Efland is the fulfillment of the bond issue from <br />1997. <br />Chair Jacobs asked how the timeline would work and how much work has been <br />done and haw much of a delay there would be far the people an Buckhorn Road <br />because of the switch. Paul Thames said that his belief is that by taking this part out <br />they are prolonging the time that the People for Progress get sewer by 2-3 months. <br />Commissioner Gordon would like to have assurances that changing will not affect <br />the grant because the original project had same geographical continuity. <br />Chair Jacobs agreed and said that they need to be sure that the grant will not be <br />affected before they take a step. <br />John Link said that is why they need items in writing and they have alerted <br />Congressman Price's office. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked for a list of what is needed in writing, by what <br />agency, and the timeline. The list is as follows: <br />- Assurance from Construction Loans and Grants that they can reconfigure the <br />pracess <br />Assurance that the reconfiguration will work from Construction Loans and <br />Grants <br />Agreement between Orange County and Mebane on how to fund the <br />improvements <br />Assurance that the reconfigured Buckhorn RoadlCentral Efland project still <br />qualifies for the federal grant. <br />Paul Thames said that he would talk with Bobby Blawe, the Section Chief of <br />Construction Loans and Grants, tomorrow morning. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested having the answers by the meeting of February 21, <br />2006. <br />Paul Thames went through the timeline on page 6 of agenda item 4. <br />