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it as a weakness in their system and it is not relevant to what the County is doing except <br />that it has brought it to someone's attention faster. He suggested that whatever <br />communication there is with Mebane that it be in writing. <br />John Link said that he had a conversation with the Mebane Manager yesterday <br />and he indicated that the cost of this line would be $100,000 and that it was not in their <br />present plans to make the improvement. The Manager of Mebane spoke with the Mayor <br />who thought that a 50-50 split would be appropriate. At this point, it is not in writing. He <br />will ask for it in writing. <br />Chair Jacobs wants to know if Mebane already has an approved plan for making <br />this improvement, because he would be willing to loan them the $50,000 that Mebane <br />would have to spend anyway. He is not sure that it is the obligation of Orange County <br />taxpayers to fix Mebane's system when Mebane knew that it was going to have to fix it. <br />Commissioner Carey asked if the State required a master plan and Paul Thames <br />said not that he is aware of. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like all of this in writing -the problem, <br />the solution, and the casts. She said that she reads that it may be possible to open the <br />school on time if all of these elements come together. She thinks that it is important to <br />be thorough and orderly so that the school can open on time. <br />Paul Thames said that he has email correspondence with Construction Loans <br />and Grants affirming the conversation of what they are asking as of this morning. He <br />said that the permit for this system will have all of the steps listed out and when they <br />have to be completed. The missing piece in the paper trail is for Mebane saying what <br />they will pay and John Link said that he would pursue this in writing. <br />John Link asked Paul Thames if they were to pursue taking the school section <br />out of the grant, if it would hurt the County from using the grant for the other purposes <br />and Paul Thames said no. He said that he could have this in writing tomorrow. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the State has not followed the County's schedule one <br />time, so the County Commissioners will do it when they are comfortable that they have <br />the answers in writing, that they are not being extorted by anybody, and that they have <br />valid written assurances that what they are doing is for the betterment of Orange County. <br />He does not want to rush to give Mebane $50,000 so that the State will not be <br />embarrassed in Atlanta. He said that, at this point, Orange County needs to nail down <br />what is in its best interest before making a move to do anything different than what was <br />planned. John Link said that they would do the best they canto get everything in writing. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked Geof Gledhill about future commercial enterprises <br />that may hook up to this sewer line in the EDD and if they would pay some of the costs <br />associated with building this line. He asked if this 1,200-foot line could be added to the <br />additional casts. He said that it sounds like either the State is going after Mebane to get <br />it to upgrade something or there is anticipated additional growth for Mebane that the <br />State wants them to be ready for. If this can be part of the total cost package, he does <br />not have a problem with it. He would like to recoup the money somehow. He agreed <br />with Chair Jacobs that if it was part of Mebane's plan to upgrade sometime in the future, <br />it changes things. <br />Chair Jacobs asked Paul Thames, John Link, and Geof Gledhill to go to Mebane <br />and meet with them face to face and John Link said that they would. <br />Chair Jacobs asked Paul Thames to carry on with the Buckhorn/central Efland <br />portion of the presentation. <br />5. Efland Sewer System Master Planning <br />